Problem description: There was a same room on No. 4, but the gestational sac was not seen on the b-ultrasound, there is a 0.3cm anechoic zone in the vulvar ultrasonography, and there is a 3.2*2.4*2.6 mass in the left attachment. Can you know if it is normal? Intrauterine pregnancy, is the echoless gestational sac
Question date:2020-11-22
Patient information:Age: 27 years old : Female
Problem analysis: According to your description and inspection, since the hcg of the current study is increased and there is a mass in the left accessory area, then this situation needs to be highly suspected The possibility of ectopic pregnancy
Guide suggestion: Therefore, close monitoring is required for this situation. It is recommended to closely monitor whether there is abdominal pain. If there is abdominal pain, you need to go to the hospital in time.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection