What is placenta previa

Pregnant women should pay attention to the condition of the placenta, because this is the delivery of oxygen and Nourishing organs. If there is a problem with the placenta, it will have a great impact on fetal development. Many women have some abnormalities during pregnancy, such as placenta previa. So, what is placenta previa?

The so-called placenta previa is the placenta attached to the lower part of the pregnant woman’s uterus, the lower edge of the placenta The placenta previa is called placenta previa if it reaches or even covers the internal cervix, and the placenta is lower than the fetal presentation. Placenta previa in women during pregnancy is the most common cause of bleeding in late pregnancy and is a serious complication during pregnancy.

Placenta previa is mostly found in menstrual women, especially in prolific women. According to the position of the placenta and the internal cervix, there are three types of placenta previa, namely complete placenta previa, partial placenta previa and marginal placenta previa. Different types of placenta previa cause different harms.

If pregnant women have placenta previa, they should reduce the amount of activity in normal times and adopt a left-side position when sleeping. Try to avoid squatting, and don’t defecate or cough too hard. Otherwise it will increase abdominal pressure, make placenta previa more serious, and may even cause bleeding symptoms. If pregnant women feel abdominal pain, they should seek medical attention immediately.