Problem description: Is this psoriasis? I have seen many old Chinese doctors, but I am not optimistic.
Question date: 2020-11-22
Patients Information: Age: 25 years old, Gender: Male
Problem analysis:Hello usually, psoriasis is generally difficult to treat, so this situation still needs to be considered In the dermatology department of a regular hospital, Chinese medicine can only play an auxiliary role in treatment.
Guide suggestion: Since this disease is a problem of the immune system, then this situation needs to consider the use of immunosuppressive drugs, such as methotrexate, cyclosporine and other drugs for treatment, in addition It is also possible to consider biological treatment, which may have a certain therapeutic effect, and at the same time cooperate with some Chinese medicines for adjuvant treatment.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination