Problem description: Check the endocrine fungus roe deer in the last week, and the medication is good. The re-examination on the 21st showed that the test of sialic acid plum was positive, and I was prescribed itraconazole dispersible tablets, metronidazole tablets, Baofukang suppository, and Honghefujie lotion. I used the plugged medicine yesterday and experienced itching. What should I do? ?
Question date:2020-11-22
Patient information:Age: 23 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, according to your current examination results, there is still inflammation. If there is vaginitis, there will be symptoms of increased vaginal discharge and itching of the vulva.
Guide and suggestion: If this happens after taking the medicine, it may be caused by the medicine.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination