Problem description: It’s just that the ribs on the right side have a sudden pain recently and it’s just fine. Sometimes the left side will not smoke or drink. What is the problem? Could it be that I just arrived in the new environment and felt cold and uncomfortable?
Question date:2020-11-25
Patient information:Age: 22 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to your description, in general, this situation needs to rule out the possibility of liver or gallbladder problems, and further examination is needed.
Guidance suggestion: It is recommended to go to the hospital to check the abdominal ultrasound to determine whether there is a specific problem. If the various examinations do not find the problem, then the problem is not very big, and it will not Cause too much impact, don’t worry.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination