Problem description: Hello, I have my last official holiday on October 12, and I will check HCG82 and progesterone 34 on November 21. I will check hcg267, progesterone 30 and estradiol 167 after three days, and check again for three days. The hcg orientation value is 1199, progesterone 22, estradiol 197, is this value normal? I feel that the progesterone has been going down. There is no discomfort or pain in my stomach.
Date of the problem:2020-11-25
Patient information:Age: 28 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Hello, according to your current blood test results, these data are currently within the normal range.
Guidelines: If you do not have any abnormal symptoms, there is no need for frequent blood tests. You can wait for a few days to review again, and then do a color Doppler ultrasound.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination