Problem description: My baby has defecated seven or eight times a day, eight or nine times a day since he was born. The milk powder was transferred once in a month and a half. After drinking for a week, he began to have blood in the stool. I went to the City Women’s and Children’s Hospital to check the anus. It was said that it was the cause of anal fissure. I didn’t have a stool test. I opened gold/erythromycin eye ointment and applied the anus and came back. I still had blood in my stool. I went to the Children’s Hospital for a check-up in two months. I took a blood test and my stool showed that the baby was allergic to protein, and the eosinophils were more than 8 points. I asked to drink amino acid milk powder. After drinking it for ten days, I went back to the clinic and had blood. The eosinophils checked for more than 12 o’clock, let me continue to drink amino acid milk powder, and watched the anus to apply some cod liver oil. The stool has changed from eight or nine times a day to five or six times a day, but it still has blood in the stool and blood streaks. The anal fissure is still not there. Ok, is there any way to alleviate it?
Issue date:2020-11-29
Patient information:Age: February Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Hello, according to your description, pay attention to local hygiene, keep it clean, take a bath frequently, and change clothes frequently.
Guide suggestion: Pay attention to your diet, do not overeat, develop good eating habits, do not frequent breastfeeding, check your blood routine with probiotics conditioning, and apply erythromycin ointment locally.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection