Problem description: I like to drink tomato and egg soup. Recently, I have been losing weight and control my weight. Can tomato and egg soup lose weight?
Question date: 2020-11-14
Patient information: Age: 25 Gender: Female
Tomato egg soup cannot lose weight.
The effect of weight loss is not particularly obvious. The nutritional value of tomato and egg soup is particularly high. Tomatoes are very delicious food and contain a variety of vitamins. Eggs contain carbohydrates and protein, which generally do not cause obesity, and at the same time they cannot achieve weight loss. You can drink tomato egg soup during weight loss.
Weight loss requires choosing a scientific way to lose weight. You must improve your diet. At the same time, you must participate in physical exercise reasonably, which can be used to burn body fat.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection