Problem description: I bought a lot of fresh beans in the supermarket. The vitamins in the beans are very high. Now I am losing weight. Can I eat beans when I lose weight?
Question date: 2020-11-14
Patient information: Age: 35 Gender: Female
You can eat beans for weight loss.
Carob beans contain a lot of dietary fiber. Properly eating carob beans can be used to promote intestinal peristalsis, speed up their own digestion and absorption, and can be used to prevent constipation, which has many benefits for weight loss. During the weight loss period, control the total calories of the diet, and do not eat fried foods and fatty foods in the diet.
Weight loss must take part in physical exercise reasonably. You can lose weight by running, swimming, and riding a bicycle. You must persist for a long time to see the effect of weight loss.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination