Problem description: I was diagnosed with atrial septal defect, and the doctor performed a closure operation on me. What symptoms should I pay attention to after closure of the atrial septal defect?
Question date:2020-11-17
Patient information:Age: 50 Sex: Male
After closure of atrial septal defect Need to closely observe heart function and heart rate changes.
At the same time, heparin and antiplatelet drugs need to be used for anticoagulation, so as to reduce thromboembolic complications. When the patient develops arrhythmia, he needs to be given medication immediately. Atrial septal defect closure is a surgical treatment that excludes other combined deformities and strictly controls the indicators. The patient needs to undergo a comprehensive preoperative examination before the operation to exclude coronary artery disease.
Patients need to strengthen nutrition after the operation, and at the same time give a high-protein and high-fiber diet, which can supplement the body’s required nutrients, which is conducive to wound healing. At the same time, ultrasound follow-up is required within 6 months after the operation.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination