Problem description: I have atrial septal defect. When I went to the hospital for a review today, I said it caused pulmonary hypertension. What is the cause of pulmonary hypertension caused by atrial septal defect?
Question date:2020-11-17
Patient information: Age: 20 Sex: Male
Pulmonary hypertension caused by atrial septal defect is usually It is caused by recurrent infection.
At the same time, the degree of atrial septal defect is related to the pressure of the pulmonary artery. As the area becomes larger, the condition becomes more and more serious, and the patient needs to go to the hospital for electrocardiogram and echocardiogram diagnosis in time. For patients with pulmonary hypertension, they need to go to the hospital for treatment in time. If necessary, oxygen saturation can be maintained by means of oxygen therapy, and diuretics should be used as prescribed by the doctor.
During the treatment period, you need to take appropriate physical exercises according to your own conditions, which can increase your lung capacity and relieve your condition. You also need to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination on a regular basis to avoid aggravation of the atrial septal defect.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination