Problem description: My child had an atrial septal defect operation in the hospital two days ago, and the affected area felt pain. What are the precautions for atrial septal defect after congenital heart disease?
Question date:2020-11-17
Patient information:Age: 5 Gender: Male
Congenital heart disease after atrial septal defect surgery Need to pay attention to diet.
Try not to eat spicy and greasy foods. After ingestion, it is easy to increase inflammation in the body, which is not conducive to wound healing. In the short term of the operation, it is best to use liquid and semi-liquid food as the mainstay to reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. After the operation, pain and swelling of the wound will appear, and it will be accompanied by a decline in immunity.
It needs to be regulated by a nutritious and diversified diet, bed rest, and try not to do strenuous exercise to prevent the wound from cracking, which may also cause the occluder to fall off.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination