Problem description: During the past week, I always felt a little stuffy in my chest. After the examination, it was atrial septal ischemia, atrial septal defect but no murmur?
Question date:2020-11-17
Patient information:Age: 34 Sex: Male
Atrial septal defect but no murmur It is because the atrial septal defect is relatively small.
When the defect is not particularly large, and there is no obvious discomfort and mental failure, there is usually no noise during the examination. However, as time goes by, the symptoms will also increase significantly, which will cause pain in the chest, and will also be accompanied by a purple complexion, especially after exercise, the symptoms will increase significantly.
Surgical closure is needed for treatment. During the operation, the doctor will give anesthesia to alleviate the pain, and then need to rest appropriately, and do not do strenuous exercise in the short term.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination