Problem description: Yesterday, my daughter had an atrial septal defect closure operation. I was worried about adverse reactions. What are the adverse reactions after the atrial septal defect closure?
Question date:2020-11-17
Patient information:Age: 9 Gender: Female
After closure of atrial septal defect Adverse reactions are usually chest pain.
Adverse reactions are mostly caused by improper selection of the occluder, and it is also related to the lack of good conditioning or treatment after the operation. It will mainly cause severe pain in the chest area, and it will also be accompanied by breathing difficulties. In severe cases, the complexion will appear purple and other symptoms. If necessary, you need to go to the hospital for medical treatment.
After finishing the atrial septal defect closure operation, post-care is also more important. First, you need to take a proper rest, and you also need to take care of the wound to avoid infection and inflammation.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination