Problem description: The goddess is a medical student, and I have some understanding of medical symptoms, but today I have a symptom problem and I am not sure what it is. What does muscular obesity mean?
Question date:2020-11-18
Patient information:Age: 26 Gender: Female
Muscular obese people are not Fat is muscle. There is too much muscle and the weight is higher than normal.
Muscular obesity is caused by excessive muscle components in the body. The main reasons are as follows: improper training methods, special life or work habits, and genetic factors. This is muscle type. Obesity is caused by too much muscle composition in the body. Muscular obesity means that the muscle content is very high, and the fat content in the body is also very high. Muscular obesity is generally stubborn fat, and it cannot be compared with real muscles. In appearance, people with muscular obesity look sturdy and sturdy.
Suggestion: Do more exercises of leg presses, mainly to stretch the muscles. After each exercise, be sure to massage the legs to relax the muscles and prevent them from turning into muscle legs again. The second is to eat less greasy, spicy and other foods.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection