Problem description: My back is very uncomfortable, very painful, and my head is very dizzy. My father said it is a symptom of shoulder and back fasciitis. I don’t know the specifics. What is this symptom?
Question date:2020-11-18
Patient information:Age: 26 Gender: Female
Fascinitis mainly manifests as the affected area Pain, muscle tension or cramps, skin numbness or movement disorders may appear.
It can occur in many parts of the human body, such as the neck and shoulders, lower back, and soles. Cervical shoulder myofasciitis mainly manifests as neck, shoulder, back pain and discomfort, muscle stiffness, numbness, restricted movement, and may radiate between the upper limbs and the back and the scapula. After waking up in the morning, when the weather changes significantly or catching a cold, the pain symptoms can be aggravated, and the pain can be relieved after light exercise. There may also be pressing pain at the painful area.
Suggestion: You can exercise properly, pay attention to the diet, avoid spicy food, do not stay up late, be careful not to maintain a movement for a long time, be active, and drink plenty of hot water.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection