Everyone can influence and everything can work together.


You want to fight for an important position. There are probably 20 more suitable people in front of you. You may be the 23rd. Do you think there is a chance to win? What can I rely on?

A woman, with the help of many parties, got the chance to have a direct interview with the boss.

After 15 minutes, she won the position.

The boss later said, “In the moment I met, I forgot that I was her boss. We are like old friends, and we are eager to think about the future together.”

This boss is former US President Bill Clinton;

This candidate is Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the first Jewish female judge in the Supreme Court of the United States.

Ginsberg once had a famous saying, “Fighting for what you care about, but in a way that allows others to join.” I believe this is an important reason why she can win Clinton’s identity. This is in line with the definition of “influence” with Momself’s founder Cui.

In her new lesson, “Creating Personal Influence in 21 Days,” Cui Wei said, “Influence is to change the thoughts and actions of others and achieve something in a way that others are willing to accept. The result you want.

With or without such influence, it will determine what kind of life you have in your life or life.

She takes 15 minutes to make a big turn in life | Where can someone who wins the game win?  Click on the picture to learn about Cui Wei’s new lesson


Perhaps, at the first sight of “influence,” you may feel that you have nothing to do with yourself; or that it is the ability of some very powerful people.


Being influential, you must be experienced and full of gas;

The key to realizing impact is to highlight your strengths and strengths;

The people who speak and love to express are the most influential;


However, your perception of influence is precisely what hinders your influence:

ShadowResilience is not exclusive to big men, and people who are not strong and inexperienced can exert influence;

Influence is not to highlight yourself, but to make the other person feel his important;

Influence is not the ability to speak, and the face is exquisite. “Let the other person say” is the most effective persuasion;


This is Cui Wei’s new interpretation of “influence” in the course, because these are the most important skills that she has summed up in her past 10 years of workplace experience.

Cui Wei believes that “Everyone can have influence, if you have no influence for the time being, not because your money, power, and ability are not enough, but because you lack a bottom-level way of thinking, that is, cooperation. Thinking.

She often said: “Everyone can influence, everything can work together.

It’s also this kind of thinking that allows her to gather a group of people to help her achieve her goals; accomplish things that seem impossible to accomplish, and achieve impossible results.


For example, entrepreneurship is a process from scratch, and cooperative thinking helps Cui Wei win the support of many people.

Momself launched the course of former deputy mayor Chen Yu of Los Angeles last month. Before Cui Wei and Chen Yu talked about the scene of cooperation, I saw the great power of influence.

At that time, Chen Yu had already talked with more than ten organizations in order to find a satisfactory partner in China, and has not finalized it. When Cui Wei went to see Chen Yu, his colleagues did not think that they could talk about it. “Competitors are the top platforms in the industry with millions of users. As a startup company, there is definitely a gap in the current strength.”

“If you can’t talk, it’s okay, just go and see and try it?” The brand colleagues who helped the match also had little confidence.

But Chen Yu was once a headhunter of Fortune 500 companies, with a particularly sensitive business sense, and instantly realized the uniqueness of Cui Wei – “Cui Wei has world-class insights and the ability to attract talents, I I was immediately attracted to her!

The attraction of Cui Wei’s body, her confidence and strength, stems from her “cooperative thinking”.

The moment she sat down face to face with Chen Yu, she was not afraid to shrink. “We are not big enough, maybe it is difficult to talk about cooperation.”

She looked at Chen Yu with an equal attitude and asked her, “Joy, what kind of plan do you have when you come to China? Maybe we can do something together.”

Chen Yuyi, she knows that Momself is a platform for her mother, so she said, “If you need it, I can talk about how to raise a daughter. My two daughters are growing very well. I still have A lot of things can be said…

Cui Wei listened carefully to her thoughts and then said sincerely, “Joy, you don’t have to. You don’t need to provide different products for each different platform, it will lose you. I want to know what you want to do.” What, then we will work out a set of courses that belong to you and belong to our users.”

You already know the results of this conversation.

The reason why Cui Wei has the confidence and Chen Yu to communicate like this is because she feels that cooperation can only begin after she has to convince Chen Yu or sign a contract.

Cui Wei believes that the relationship with Chen Yu has already begun when they sit down together.

This is the true and vivid embodiment of influence in Cui Wei. Whether as a boss or as a colleague, She has the ability to quickly support her to help her achieve her goals.

Now, Cui Wei has refined, supplemented and polished more than ten years of practical experience and professional methods into this “21 days to build your personal influence: to achieve your goals in a way that others are willing to accept.”

She will dismantle for you, how to influence the people around you in a way that others are willing to accept:

Sitting in front of you is a difficult client. What do you rely on to reverse the situation after 3 hours of negotiations and win this list?

You have been under pressure for a night, but you are still misunderstood and accused. How do you get the support of your boss?

You come to lead a large-scale event, how can N different departments work together to complete the project smoothly?

The urchins in the family are dragging their feet, often saying 130 times and still not listening. How to stimulate the children’s autonomy?

As long as you learn and always face problems with cooperative thinking, you will be able to find breakthroughs from these dilemmas.


As a general employee in the workplace, it may be easier to cycle through the inherent thinking patterns of the past and encounter the same dilemma. Once this bond is turned on, things get easier.

For example, you may have experienced negation from a boss or colleague during meetings and discussions, fall into self-doubt, feel that you may be a person who is incompetent, very low and depressed.

And self-esteem often wants to prove that you are right, can’t help but justify your own ideas. The discussion was often turned into a debate.

These states are brain reactions called “Amygdala abduction”. Our emotions and reason are controlled by the brain. When faced with criticism or negation, the amygdala responsible for emotions in the brain starts to start: it will simplify the information and make an instinctive reaction. Criticism is seen as an attack.

But Cui Wei’s cooperative thinking in the course “Responding to Criticism” will help you get rid of this “kidnapping”. After listening to this lesson, one of the trainees said:

I began to realize that the supervisor is a cooperative relationship with me. We have a common goal to sit together here today and want to solve the problem together. His criticism and denial must have been discovered by him from his experience. So I turned my attention to my face, feelings, and curiosity. What did he want to tell me from these words?

I no longer feel that the interaction with the supervisor is only “ruled”. I began to think that it was a meaningful dialogue and even began to enjoy his doubts and challenges. I tried to learn rare experiences and suggestions from my boss and absorbed them to help me improve my performance. And this kind of mentality, let me become calm, unabsorbed, feedback, and discuss with the supervisor.

Interestingly, the supervisor is more likely to hear my opinion than ever before.

After I was criticized, it took 2 or 3 days to re-adjust the state promotion project. Now, switching channels into a cooperative state, absorbing opinions and expressing responses, I only need 2 or 3 minutes.

In addition to responding to criticism, collaborative thinking is also reflected in the critical moments of life and work:

  • When you want to raise your salary

Non-cooperative thinking: The boss hired me to work, and I ask more needs to increase the cost of the boss. He is certainly not happy

Cooperative thinking: My needs are as important as the needs of the boss. Only when the needs of both parties are met can the common goal be achieved

  • When you say a bunch or not,

Non-cooperative thinking: I must have not said enough, the explanation is not detailed enough, or the TA is too stupid

Cooperative thinking: I may not say what TA wants. I should listen to what the other person is saying and then express it


These subtle gaps have produced very different results.

This kind of cooperative thinking can be improved through practice, but it is not done overnight. Because people’s behavioral habits and ways of thinking are determined by the neural pathways of the brain.

Every time consciously and deliberately confronting “non-cooperative thinking” is strengthening the neural pathway of “cooperative thinking.” In the beginning, you mayI will feel difficult and unskilled and take a little time. But after repeating a certain number of times, the neural pathways of the new habits will be established. “Cooperative thinking” will become your instinct for judgment and action.

When cooperative thinking becomes the lowest level of thinking, influence is gradually established in this process, and “21 Days to Create Personal Influence” is an exercise developed to effectively strengthen cooperative thinking.

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She takes a 15 minute to achieve a major turning point in life | Where can a person who can turn over win?

She takes a 15 minute to achieve a major turning point in life |  Where?