Problem description: This problem has been there since I was very young. I stammered every time I took the initiative to talk to others, or when I first said the first sentence, I sometimes couldn’t say it directly, as if stuck I just can’t say it in my throat. Sometimes I stutter when I say it, repeating a word several times. It’s like talking well at home, but there’s something wrong with communicating with others. I really want to solve this problem. Thank you doctor.
Question date:2020-12-31
Patient information:Age: 16 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Existing Social stuttering, this may be caused by the tension itself, this mainly requires more communication
Guiding suggestions: At present, this still needs to try to communicate in the crowd, you can see a psychologist
Recommendations are for reference only, please go to the hospital for detailed examination if the problem is serious