Problem description: Disease description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): There are elderly and children at home, and the weather is relatively easy to catch colds. If you want to keep cold medicine at home, choose a common cold, how about health Which ones are better?
Question date:2021-01-07
Patient information:Age: 26 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, according to your description, a cold is also called an upper respiratory tract infection, often with nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, cough, sputum, headache, fatigue and other symptoms.
Guide and suggestion: Generally, antiviral and anti-cold drugs are used. It is recommended that you go to the hospital for targeted medication. Drink plenty of water and rest to help your body recover. .
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection