Problem description: It has been a week since the onset of symptoms. At the beginning, I was sleeping with chest pain and could not sleep. I went to the hospital and prescribed medicine, compound digestive enzyme capsules. Pantoprazole sodium enteric-coated capsules. Mosapride. Later, I went to check the gastroscope and said: It is chronic superficial gastritis with bile flow, esophageal hiatus hernia, to the 7th chest pain and some relief. The doctor suggested that I go for an upper gastrointestinal angiography and the results came out. See
Question date:2021-01-08
Patient information:Age: 30 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis :Hello, consider the situation of chronic superficial gastritis with bile flow and hiatal hernia based on your description and pictures.
Guide and suggestion: In this case, oral medication can be continued. If it does not improve, the most direct and effective way to treat patients with hiatal hernia is surgery.
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection