Problem description: I accompanied my eldest colleague to the hospital for the face-lifting injection, but the eldest sister started smoking electronic cigarettes just after the face-lifting injection. I don’t know if the eldest sister’s behavior is correct. After the face-lifting injection, I can get electronic Smoke?
Question date:2020-12-02
Patient information: Age: 34 Gender: Female
Determined according to the actual situation of the patient , Whether you can smoke electronic cigarettes after the face-lift injection.
If the patient has a history of smoking before the face-lift injection, smoking is allowed, and it will not affect the patient’s wound. However, if the patient has no history of smoking and the face-lifting needle is injected, it is not recommended that the patient smoke, because there is nicotine in the cigarette. This type of substance will cause the patient’s throat to be irritated, and a severe cough will affect the masseter muscle and affect it. The effect of face-lifting needle.
The face-lifting needle is a very safe medical beauty project, but when injecting the face-lifting needle, you must choose a formal plastic surgery institution or a hospital plastic surgery department, which will be safer. After injection of the face-lifting needle, if adverse reactions occur, timely intervention is required.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination