Problem description: I went home after the face-lift injection, but after returning home, my friend called me to drink coffee. I don’t know if I can drink coffee after the face-lift injection. Can I drink coffee after face-lift?
Question date:2020-12-02
Patient information: Age: 28 Gender: Female
Not allowed after the face-lift injection Drink coffee.
Don’t drink coffee after the face-lifting injection. Just after the face-lifting injection, the wound is open. The caffeine contained in coffee is not conducive to the metabolism of the drug, and it also has a certain impact on wound recovery. After the face-lift injection, the diet should be light, not beef and mutton, and no seafood.
After the face-lifting injection, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, which can replenish the vitamins and water in the body and help the patient strengthen the body’s ability to resist diseases. Also pay attention to the hygiene of the wound, as it will cause infection if the local area cannot be touched with water within 24 hours.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination