Problem description: My sister has a baby, but she told her husband that she doesn’t want a baby yet. She went to the hospital for an abortion and wanted to cook some mung bean soup for her. Can I drink mung bean soup after the abortion?
Question date:2020-12-03
Patient information:Age: 26 Gender: Female
You can drink a small amount after the flow of people Mung bean soup.
You can drink a small amount of mung bean soup after the flow of people. Mung bean has detoxification and heat-relieving effects, especially in summer. Mung bean soup contains protein, fat and carbonic acid compounds. Eating mung beans after the abortion can not only supplement nutrition, but also improve immunity. Mung beans contain copper-yellow compounds, which have antibacterial and antiviral effects. Drinking mung beans after an abortion can prevent infection. However, mung beans are cold in nature. Do not drink too much mung beans after a flow of people, and drink hot mung bean soup at the same time.
It is recommended to pay attention to the nutritional mix after finishing the crowded diet, drink more chicken soup, fish soup, broth, and add more protein to make the body recover as soon as possible. Don’t overwork and pay more attention to rest.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination