Problem description: I was shopping in the supermarket, and my wife asked me to bring her some fresh plums back. I think that fruit is very sour, I don’t like it, and I just finished the crowd. Can I eat fresh plums after the crowd?
Question date: 2020-12-03
Patient information: Age: 31 Gender: Female
Can eat fresh plum after the abortion .
Generally, you can eat ume plum about two hours after the abortion. Due to the large amount of bleeding during the abortion operation, the body is particularly weak and needs timely nutrition and energy supplementation. The ume plum has the ability to stop bleeding, swell phlegm, and produce fluid. The role of thirst quenching is of great help to the timely recovery after delivery.
It is recommended that in the first few days after a miscarriage, you should drink more soups, porridge, and more water. You can also drink hen soup, ribs soup, and three fresh soups. Spicy and irritating foods should be contraindicated.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination