Problem description: My boyfriend and I were getting married, but when I was not married, I was pregnant. I didn’t want to wear a wedding dress with a big belly, so I became a crowd because I had to dance at the wedding. I am worried that the flow of people will affect dancing. Can I dance after ten days?
Question date:2020-12-03
Patient information:Age: 33 Gender: Female
You can dance after ten days of crowds.
It’s definitely not acceptable not to dance vigorously during the best week after the flow of people, otherwise it will affect the normal recovery of the body. Strenuous exercise may cause the occurrence of gynecological diseases, and poor physical recovery may affect the future Fertility function. After the abortion operation, pay attention to rest and avoid smoking, alcohol, spicy and cold food. For at least two weeks, if the activity is violent, it is recommended to dance again after three or four weeks.
It is recommended to pay more attention to rest, maintain hygiene, maintain a regular life, do not eat raw or cold irritating food, and pay attention to keep warm.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination