Description of the problem: I recently had a miscarriage due to my exhaustion at work, and my husband bought me the gynecological Yangrong capsule for menstrual adjustment, but now I don’t know if I can take it. I would like to ask about gynecology after the miscarriage. Does Yangrong Capsule regulate menstruation?
Question date:2020-12-07
Patient information:Age: 26 Gender: Female
It is possible to eat gynecological support after abortion Rong capsule regulates menstruation.
After the abortion operation, the patient can take some gynecological Yangrong capsule medicines appropriately. The gynecological Yangrong capsule can improve the symptoms of removing blood stasis and regulating menstruation, irregular menstruation, dizziness, dizziness, blood collapse and anemia. If the patient has irregular menstruation, this drug can be taken in this case. If necessary, you can also go to the hospital for further examination before treatment.
Patients must choose easily digestible foods after miscarriage, such as spinach minced meat, vitamins, and high protein, which will supplement the patient’s nutrition and help the body recover.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection