Problem description: I took some medications before I knew I was pregnant, and then underwent an abortion operation. Can I take gynecological reconstruction pills after an abortion?
Question date:2020-12-07
Patient information:Age: 25 Gender: Female
Patients are generally It is not recommended to take gynecological reconstituted pills.
Patients can take some drugs that can help uterine contraction after an artificial abortion. It is best to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor. Generally, it is not recommended to take gynecological reconstruction pills. Fuke Zaizao Pill is a Chinese patent medicine for regulating menstruation. It can nourish blood and regulate menstruation. If patients take it after miscarriage, it may prolong bleeding time or cause other physical symptoms.
Patients should follow the doctor’s instructions to take the medicine on time after the operation to promote uterine contraction and help discharge congestion. They can also move appropriately during the recuperation after the operation, but avoid overwork.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection