Problem description: After I gave birth, my family bought me a lot of gynecological golden tablets. My family said that gynecological golden tablets have a therapeutic effect on postpartum. Can you take gynecological golden tablets after childbirth?
Question date:2020-12-07
Patient information:Age: 27 Gender: Female
Gynecological Qianjin Tablets can be eaten after childbirth of.
Gynecological Qianjin Tablets can be eaten after childbirth, because this medicine is a kind of Chinese patent medicine and will not have big side effects. Just do a good job of cleaning after childbirth and regularly wash the vulva with warm water, but if the situation is serious, you need to consult a doctor first. Then the material can decide the medication. And it is also edible during the breast milk period. This medicine has the effect of clearing away heat and removing dampness.
Women who take medicine after childbirth must consult their doctor first, and they must not use medicine blindly. If there are symptoms of inflammation, they need to see a doctor first, and then take the medicine for the symptomatically.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection