Problem description: I have always had irregular menstruation before giving birth, so after taking gynecological rebuilding pills, now after giving birth, I have menstruation, but I also have irregular menstruation. I think Take gynecological rezao pills for conditioning. Can I take gynecological reconstruction pills after childbirth?
Question date:2020-12-07
Patient information:Age: 33 Gender: Female
You can take gynecological rebuilding pills after childbirth.
Fuke Zaizao Pills can play a better role in nourishing blood, regulating menstruation, nourishing the liver and kidney, and warming the palace and relieving pain. It is effective in treating women with irregular menstruation and long menstrual periods. If you suffer from dysmenorrhea or people who have had menstruation, you can also follow the doctor’s advice and use this medicine for treatment, and the effect is more obvious.
During the period of taking this medicine, it is best not to eat spicy and cold foods, because such foods may affect the absorption of the efficacy of the medicine and have a more adverse effect on the condition of the disease.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection