Problem description: Some time ago, I had an abortion operation, and I felt a little lack of qi and blood. I want to take gynecological cashmere capsules for treatment. Can I take gynecological Yangrong capsules after abortion?
Question date:2020-12-07
Patient information:Age: 27 Gender: Female
Most people can eat gynecological support after abortion Rong capsule.
After a miscarriage, a large amount of lochia will be discharged from the genitals, and the immunity will be reduced. If you do not pay attention to nursing or lack of nutrition, it will easily lead to insufficient blood and blood. You can follow the doctor’s advice and take the gynecological Yangrong capsule for treatment. Qi and blood have the effect of soothing the liver and relieving depression, and can dispel blood stasis and regulate menstruation. However, during the medication period, do not eat raw or cold foods, and do not eat spicy and irritating foods.
In addition to using drugs for conditioning, you should also eat more high-protein foods in your diet to provide energy to your body. You can also eat things that have iron and blood effects, such as animal liver and red dates.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection