Problem description: My mother is 74 years old and lives in Jinghe County, Bozhou. She has been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, hypertension, hyperglycemia and other diseases in the past 10 years. Since 2013, she has been in the autonomous region due to illness The hospital stayed in three hospitals. In 2013 and 2016, the coronary CT diagnosis: 1. The near-middle right coronary artery was mainly non-calcified mixed plaque, the official cavity was slightly narrowed, and the stenosis was less than 50%. 2. The calcification in the near middle of the anterior descending branch is mainly mixed plaque with moderate lumen stenosis, the degree of stenosis is about 50-75%. In 2019, the attending doctor did not perform coronary CT due to the prescribed treatment. Because the mother was mildly ill at the time and worried about taking drugs for the stent for a long time, she did not have an imaging examination, and took conservative treatment. Follow the doctor’s advice to take clopidogrel bisulfate tablets, simvastatin, imdor, betaloc, and valsartandipine all year round. Tablets, acarbose, glimepiride, 10 units of insulin before going to bed and other related drugs to maintain the condition. Since 2020, the mother has often paroxysmal palpitation, chest tightness, shortness of breath, paroxysmal precordial acupuncture pain, lasting for 1-2 minutes, relieves spontaneously, sudden spontaneous sweating, tremor and weakness, relief for a while, xiphoid air sleepiness , Often sleepless all night. Since December 2020, the frequency of the disease has increased. Due to prevention and control requirements, he cannot go to Urumqi. On January 12, 2021, he was hospitalized in the county hospital for 10 days. The examination, blood circulation, and nutrient myocardial infusion did not improve significantly. Frequent spontaneous sweating in the past two days during the Spring Festival in February, tremor and weakness, relief for a while, sleepiness under the xiphoid process, self-test at home when onset: blood pressure rises 160, heart rate 90, blood sugar is about 12-15. How to treat and solve the problem in this situation?
Question date:2021-02-15
Patient information:Age: 73 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, I am your doctor. In this case, the blood vessels are not good, the underlying disease is more, and the blood sugar control is not good.
Guide suggestion: Patients with this situation are recommended to go to the hospital for treatment, and there may be changes in the condition
Suggestions are for reference only, please go to the hospital for detailed examination if the problem is serious