Problem description: In the past two or three months, there are always small moles in the pubic hair. After removing the mole, the other hair follicles have appeared again, basically in the place where the pubic hair grows, at the root. I’ve also got one, I went, and it’s longer in other places, what’s the matter
Question date: 2021-02-17
Patient information: Age: 32 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: Hello, according to your description, if you say moles, they will appear repeatedly, especially those with prominent skin. It may be warts, which are contagious and can appear repeatedly, mostly related to the weakened body’s immunity. It is not accompanied by any symptoms.
Guide and suggestion: If the treatment you mentioned is accompanied by pain and discomfort, redness and swelling can occur. This is all folliculitis. Because there is no picture, it is impossible to make further judgments more accurately, but it is generally not overly wrong with these two possibilities. If it is warts, you can choose cryotherapy, if it is folliculitis, you can anti-inflammatory treatment. From the description, it may be more prone to warts.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection