Problem description: Main symptoms: prolonged dry stools in the early stage, repeated stools similar to sheep feces, and later found some small bumps in the anus, itching in the early stage, bleeding after the stool, irregular anus There will be a dry foreign body sensation. Under normal circumstances, there is no foreign body sensation. It is found that the small bumps will become larger and smaller after changing the body position. Recent observations have found that the small bumps have not grown or spread.
Question date:2021-02-18
Patient information:Age: 113 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to your description, this situation does not rule out the possibility that the current situation may occur because the stool is usually too dry to irritate the anus. It may also be the possibility of internal hemorrhoids causing local mucosal damage and stimulation and proliferation.
Guide and suggestion: So the current situation requires a light diet first, not eating spicy food, eat more fresh fruits, vegetables to keep the stool smooth, and secondly, consider using permanganic acid locally. Potassium solution for sitz bath therapy.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection