Problem description: I am afraid of cold. I have been sitting for a long time at night and my knees are painful. My knees are cold at 6:30 in the morning under the covers, and my eye sockets are sunken and dark, especially after 7 pm. Hearing loss, clear urine. Sometimes when I drink too much water, I go to the toilet on the channel. I have long urine and dark complexion, which makes people easy to get sleepy. I had been masturbating for about 10 years before. I was 30 years old with cold hands and feet.
Question date:2021-02-18
Patient information:Age: 30 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to your description, this situation is likely to indicate that there is a greater possibility of kidney-yang deficiency.
Guidance suggestion: It is recommended that in this case, you can consider taking some medicines for warming yang and invigorating the kidney. For example, you can consider taking Cynomorium and Gujing pills to see if it can be relieved and improved. You need to take a rest during the current symptom treatment. , Avoid fatigue, avoid excessive indulgence.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection