Problem description: Illness description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): Recently, I made a sound unconsciously when thinking, and only my classmates could hear it. The teachers did not respond whether I went to the hospital for treatment: No Have been to the current medication instructions: No medications, previous medical history and surgery history: none
Question date:2021-02-25
Patient information:Age: 19-year-old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: The patient has a voice when thinking, and only close classmates can hear it, indicating that the voice may not be loud. This sound may be from the throat or nose. It may be caused unconsciously.
Guiding suggestions: It’s best to check. 1. For example, you can go to the otolaryngology department first to see what kind of sound it is and where there is a problem with the ear, nose, and throat. 2. If it is not an otolaryngology problem, you can go for further psychiatric examinations.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection