The magazine business is booming and chain stores are opened throughout Japan. Find a new partner, Kawada, who runs a business that sells “illegal” pornographic magazines. Buy the police and win over the gang. In the end, he was arrested by Wu Jing, the newly appointed police chief of Hokkaido, and the village opened up his life.




The third episode: In 1984, Tokyo, pornographic magazines were outdated and entered the era of pornography. Murakami became a pornographic film director, reorganized the team and entered the pornographic video market. But at this time, the market competitor of the village of Nishimura, Chisawa, spent money colluding with the police.



Fourth episode: Through the gang, Murakami learned that the video was shot at the retail store and was under pressure from the opponent, Ike. Murakami’s actress, Nami, who is anti-Ikeda, has made a good film for the long-term “real guns”, but the beauty has been blocked by Ikezawa for a long time. Since then, no actress has dared to cooperate with Murakami.



The fifth episode: Ikebukuro established the Japan Film and Television Standards Committee and formulated the mosaic standard for pornographic videotape. The purpose is to make the works of Murakami through “real guns” not to enter the market through censorship. Heimuxiang took the initiative to find Chiazawa to play porn, and Ikei took a “excellent” work. However, it was reported by the mother of Blackwood, which led to the fact that one of Blackwood’s works could not be sold. The team’s funds broke, and there were differences among the players inside the organization.



Sixth episode: Murakami went to Hawaii to flick the American female celebrity, filmed a large-scale adult movie of Hollywood on the plane, was sold by an intermediary, and was arrested and imprisoned by the US police.


Seventh episode: Murakami’s release from prison requires huge bail, Arai and gangs cooperate, selling “coded” videotapes illegally raising money and embarking on the gang. Hetian and Heimu sold the video tapes that were taken before Blackwood, and finally bail out the village.




The eighth episode: Because of the social exposure of Heimuxiang, the video of “real live ammunition” is very popular in the market. Chisawa has to change the company strategy and advocate “real guns”. The filming method also means that Murakami and Ikezawa will compete fairly in the market. Village West has driven away the abandoned wells that have been involved in illegal operations. Japan is about to change its New Year’s number into a new era. The state organizes a nationwide anti-vice operation. Chisawa and Arai are arrested for participating in illegal pornography. The Arai was released from prison by the gang and officially became a gang.






A road has come to “black.”

Time to make a hero,not a hero’s time

“Naked Director” Although it is a Japanese drama, “Naked Director” is a typical Netflix. The ultimate character in the ultimate environment, a special story in a special country special age.

Netflix wants to present a true Japanese society in the 1980s through the porn industry. At the end of “Naked Director”, the gang is not like the domestic drama. “The wicked have bad news,” and the gang is still at ease. Because the words are said: Japanese agencyThe normal operation of the meeting is inseparable from the gang.


There is a saying that “the times create heroes”, China’s reform and opening up has made a group of entrepreneurs, and the Internet era has made a number of businessmen.

The “Naked Director” is based on a true story. The fate of the characters in “Naked Director” has not escaped the framework of the times.

The development trend of the Japanese porn industry is closely related to the Japanese government’s legal policies, the development of the Japanese economy, and the social needs of the Japanese people.

For example, the standard of “figure” in pornography in the drama is controlled by human beings, which will allow enterprises to take advantage of the industry and create an industry monopoly, resulting in unfair vicious competition. The United States introduced the Anti-Monopoly Law because of the emergence of market monopolies.


In the early days of an industry, there must be a huge “grey zone.” With the development of the market, the blank of the law began to be filled, and the relevant laws were gradually improved.

“Naked Director” is like “Drug”, is taking a mood of the times.

Release people’s desires

A TV drama, in the process of the audience, is the self-projection of emotions and desires.

A lot of American dramas are releasing people’s desires. Most domestic dramas are subject to censorship and are basically suppressing people’s desires.


The desire of a person is nothing more than: money, right, name, color (sex).

Desire for money: For example, “Unparalleled” makes money by printing fake money, “I am not a drug god” by making “fake drugs” (the real medicine introduced from India) to make money, “Desperate “Poison Division” makes money by making drugs. “Naked Director” makes money by porn.


Playing in China, if the capital, technology, team, and content capabilities are not lacking, it may be the end of the trial network.

Of course, the “review” mentioned here is based on the “review” based on the good stories of good people.