Problem description: The nose is green and nasal. I went to the outpatient clinic at the county hospital and said it was sinusitis. After taking the medicine for two weeks, it was not completely cured.
Date of the problem: 2021-05-17
Patient information:Age: 44 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis:Hello, the course of sinusitis treatment is relatively long , If necessary, infusion therapy is also needed. The treatment was not complete for two weeks, and the medication should be continued. It can be combined with traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine.
Guide suggestion: Adding Biyuantongqiao granules, Erding granules, etc. on the basis of antibiotics, the therapeutic effect will be improved a lot. If it still does not work, special treatments such as irrigation and puncture can be performed.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection