Problem description: My wife was suffering from depression. I took a look at Nanchang, diagnosed depression, prescribed venlafaxine, relieved liver depression, and took mirtazapine for three months. , It’s better, but it’s still in good mood and sometimes bad.
Question date:2021-05-18
Patient information:Age: 36 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Hello, what you said Depression itself is a recurrent disease, and some patients have seasonal characteristics. Only regular and systematic treatment can reduce the number of relapses , So sometimes it’s good and sometimes bad.
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended to review regularly, do not discontinue the drug easily. In addition, psychological counseling and treatment should be combined with psychological consultation. Family members should be patient with them and communicate with each other.
Suggestions are for reference only, questions In serious cases, please go to the hospital for detailed examination