Problem description: I was hit by a car a few years ago. Now my legs will swell when standing or walking for a long time, and my body will become feverish. The meat on my legs will have a pit when pressed, and the muscles will still Will tremble, why can’t it be found in the hospital?
Question date:2021-05-24
Patient information:Age: 52 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Generally, the swelling caused by this kind of situation is mostly caused by the decline of circulatory function. It is manifested as the swelling of the lower limbs after prolonged drooping, and the swelling will disappear by itself after a night of sleep. If the legs are swollen, the skin will be sunken. If it is accompanied by fever, this is often a sign that there may be a local infection.
Guide suggestion: Check the blood routine when the body feels feverish, and then take the individual temperature to see if it is really feverish. If there is no problem, the general problem is not big. In view of the current swelling of the legs, you can take Mezhiling, Diosmin and other drugs to improve vein function and promote swelling. Weakness occurs when the lower limbs are swollen, and this is all related. Usually increase the amount of exercise to promote local muscle contraction, which is conducive to blood circulation.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection