Problem description: Girls have a mustache, which affects the overall image. Is there any practical way to remove it?
Question date:2021-06-13
Patient information:Age: 24 Gender: Female
Maybe because of high male hormones It is recommended to do six sex hormone tests. Laser hair removal treatment is also available. It may be related to the higher levels of androgens in the body. Pay attention to conditioning, first of all, pay attention to eating less spicy and greasy foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables, especially legumes, which are good for regulating hormone secretion. Pay attention to regular work and rest, which is helpful to lighten your beard. Laser hair removal treatment can be done if necessary. The “moustache” on girls’ faces is more serious. Whether it is shaved with a razor blade or with a thread, it is only a temporary solution. They should eat lightly and use less cosmetics. Laser hair removal treatment can be done if necessary.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection