Problem description: There is melanin on the face of a girl friend. I don’t know what caused it. How can I remove this melanin?
Question date:2021-06-13
Patient information:Age: 21 Gender: Female
Can use local method or laser treatment , Are all possible. At present, laser treatment is relatively common, and the cost is not very high. If you want to use laser treatment, It is recommended to go to a local hospital for price inquiries and price inquiries. However, it will also have a certain side effect, which will cause partial damage to the skin. If it is not serious, then it is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables. . In the case of the earthen method, the egg white cucumber and aloe vera are squeezed into juice. Use pearl powder and flour, then mix it into a paste, and apply it on the face. After it is dry, wash it with water. It is recommended to pay attention to personal hygiene and food. Try not to eat spicy and melanin foods. .
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection