Problem description: I often go out to work. After being exposed to ultraviolet rays, some melanin appears on my face. How to remove melanin on girls’ faces?
Question date:2021-06-13
Patient information:Age: 23 Gender: Female
Melanin on the girl’s face wants To remove it, you can go to the hospital to do a carbon dioxide dot matrix laser. The carbon dioxide dot matrix laser has a better effect on removing melanin. When doing carbon dioxide fractional lasers, the high-energy wavelengths generated by the lasers are mainly used to directly irradiate the skin, and then the pigments inside will absorb higher heat and be slowly excreted from the body through its own metabolism. During the treatment, it may cause some slight damage to the skin on the face, causing swelling. During the recovery process, you need to take appropriate skin care measures, and try not to apply any makeup products on your face in a short time.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection