Problem description: When looking in the mirror, I found that my pores are in a state of enlarged. I want to use acid to treat them. Can I apply acid to large pores?
Question date:2021-06-13
Patient information:Age: 25 Gender: Female
Large pores can be acidic, usually Under the circumstances, it can regulate the enlarged pores. During brushing, the formation of collagen can be promoted, and it can also promote the formation of tissue cells, which can improve the appearance of large pores. During the conditioning period, you should observe your own condition. If you are in a more serious state, you can use photorejuvenation to perform conditioning. Large pores may be due to the appearance of a large amount of oily secretions in your own pores. During the conditioning period, the diet should be light and the intake of spicy food may increase the difficulty of conditioning.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection