Problem description: My eyebrows are a little light in color, and they are also very short. I want to do eyebrow embroidery at the hospital to improve it. How should I take care of the eyebrows the next day?
Question Date:2021-06-15
Patient Information:Age: 35 Gender: Female
Embroidery Day 2 Nursing Requirements Pay attention to the cleaning around the eyebrows, avoid water, and do not scratch and rub with your hands. After the eyebrow surgery, strenuous exercise is not allowed. The wound will scab on the second day, and the scab will fall off naturally in 3 to 7 days. At this time, the surface is healed, and you should pay attention to protection when washing your face. When your eyebrows are light in color or relatively short, you can do eyebrow embroidery surgery to improve eyebrow embroidery. Generally, eyebrow embroidery uses something similar to dye to inject into the hair follicles of the eyebrows, and uses the eyebrow embroidery technology machine to form ideal eyebrows that do not fade for a long time. shape and enhance your facial image. During the period, there are strict requirements on the diet. You cannot eat allergy-prone foods such as peppers and seafood, and irritating foods such as onions and garlic.
The suggestion is for reference only, if the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for a detailed inspection