On the morning of August 20, Shanghai held a press conference on the third anniversary of the New Lingang district. On the occasion of the third anniversary of the opening and operation of the New Lingang District, the Shanghai municipal government formulated several policies and measures on supporting the construction of an independent comprehensive node coastal city in the New Lingang District of China (Shanghai) pilot free trade zone< Br > < div class = "height" > < / div > Hua Yuan, Deputy Secretary General of Shanghai Municipal People’s government and director of Shanghai development and Reform Commission, introduced that the “several policies and measures” proposed to strengthen the urban functional foundation and further improve the independent and comprehensive urban functional system< Br > < div class = "height" > < / div > there are 8 supporting policies in total, mainly including creating a convenient and efficient comprehensive transportation system, accelerating the construction of the port gathering and distribution center and the Nanhui branch line of the Municipal Railway, accelerating the start of the construction of related projects in the north side of Xiaoyangshan and the East extension of Dalu line; Improve the infrastructure of Yangshan special comprehensive bonded zone, and promote the planning and construction of supporting projects in the aviation industry; Build a demonstration area for digital transformation of the port, and build a future digital twin city with integrated growth; Build a low-carbon city with demonstration effect, and build a demonstration area of port scenery gas storage; Strengthen the construction level of resilient cities and improve the emergency management system; Promote the high-quality and balanced development of education resources, and create a demonstration area of integration of industry and education in Shanghai; We will improve the medical and health service system and support the introduction of high-quality TCM resources from Shanghai to build a three-level TCM hospital; We will build a metropolitan tourism destination and support the new port area to host international and domestic cultural festivals and exhibitions and top-level events.