Give you an interviewer’s perspective

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “outside students< /a>”(ID:iquanwai), the author is awkward.

The article comes from a live broadcast outside the circle. Two senior human resources experts, Gloria and Rambo, stand in the perspective of recruiters and give a very pertinent interview suggestion.

Gloria began recruiting in 2004 and worked in two Fortune 500 companies for more than a decade. Now working for US-owned auto parts companies, he is a recruiter for regional talent recruitment in China.

Rambo has worked in Accenture for Asia Pacific performance management and national recruitment for BPO centers. After working for D&B, he served as Director of Human Resources and Vice President of Business Development in China. He is currently the co-founder and CEO of the 3rd Choice Negotiation Institute.

Content summary:

  • What are the common problems in the interview?

  • How to answer the reason for leaving?

  • What are the precautions for women seeking employment?

  • Interview advice for recent graduates

  • What advice do you have for changing careers?

  • Other interview points

I believe that after reading their experience and sharing, everyone can get off their favorite offer more smoothly!

What are the common problems in the interview?

Gloria: I have been recruiting for 15 years. I count as a number of readers. At the same time, I am also a certified instructor for DDI target selection interviewer training. I hope that today’s sharing will help everyone.

First let’s take a look at the common questions in the interview.

The first is to understand your past experience, this is the most common. The second is to test your knowledge structure, for example, to do a written test. If you are a student of science and engineering, you may also give you a formula to calculate.

These two questions are better to answer. Everyone will play normally. There is not much expansion here.

The third type of problem is to understand your abilities. For example, your ability to communicate, the ability to solve problems, your influence, and so on.

This question is very important, HR usually asks you to prove your ability by giving examples.However, many candidates can’t answer the idea. At this time, HR is actually very anxious.

HR is not a roadblock and will not deliberately dig pits for candidates. Instead, they prefer to create opportunities for candidates to better represent themselves.

So what should we answer?

You need to review the success stories of your past career and then use the STAR model to clearly explain them in the interview.

First of all, what is the background of this example, Situation; secondly, what is the task you are going to accomplish at the time, that is, Task; then what action you took at that time, Action; the final result, Result.

It’s especially good to show you the truth in the interview, but it doesn’t mean you have to be unprepared, so you need to be prepared in advance before the interview.

The last step is to understand the willingness to apply for a job. This job search intention actually determines whether you will join the company in the end, and how long you can stay after you join, will you be happy when you stay here and so on.

hr wants to hear your true answer, because he is the person who knows the working environment best, he will know if you can live and work here.

There is another point that is especially important, but few people are serious about it, and that is self-introduction.

A lot of people will feel that self-introduction is very simple. Tell me what my name is and what I graduated from, and then I have worked in which companies.

Everyone thinks about these resumes, why should hr ask you?

In fact, in just a few minutes of self-introduction, it is your best chance to go to sell yourself.

So you don’t need to repeat the content on your resume. You need to tell your strengths based on your understanding of the position and be as fascinating as storytelling.

This will not only prove your ability to express, but also impress the interviewer.

How to answer the reason for leaving?

Rambo: Many candidates will step on this issue. So before thinking about how to answer, we should first think about why hr asks the reason for leaving?

First of all, he wants to find out in this way whether you are actively resigning or passively leaving due to performance or other reasons.

If you are passively leaving, then hr usually sounds an alarm and wants to know more about how you are passively leaving.

Secondly, if you are voluntarily resigned, he can use this question to judge whether your ability is as you say, and whether your personality, values ​​and new company will conflict.

So how do you answer this question? The general principle is to answer truthfully, but pay attention to angles, wording and body language.

The first is the angle.

Don’t stand in your personal perspective, but stand in the perspective of a third party to describe the reasons for leaving.

For example, you said that the reason for leaving is that the leadership’s thoughts are often wrong, so that answering you is from your perspective, it sounds like you are in the shabu-shabu, and all the reasons are attributed to the outside world.

And you said, “We have a big difference in the way we handle certain things.” This way is to look at the problem from a third-party perspective, and it is more appropriate.

The second is wording.

Try to avoid comments on others, as well as more intense language, using factual descriptions and plain language to describe why you left.

The third is body language.

In this part, we should pay attention to some micro-expressions, such as frowning, licking your hand, which may make hr see the real thoughts behind you.

What are the precautions for women seeking employment?

Gloria: As a woman, especially the mother of two children, I really want to share this topic with you.

But I don’t want to say chicken soup like men and women, because women are really treated unfairly in the workplace, both in the East and in the West.

So here I have to call a woman who is working hard in the workplace, you are all great.

Now we think about it, companies have concerns about hiring female employees. Why?

Is it afraid to take maternity leave? An employee normally does three to five years in the enterprise, and the maternity leave is only four months. In contrast, it is nothing.

Is it afraid that taking care of children will affect work efficiency? Do you think about whether there are old fritters in male employees or people with mediocrity?

For the company, is it willing to use a staff member who has to take four months of maternity leave, but can contribute to the company for several years? Or is it an employee who is immersed in the daily life and has a low level of ability?

The answer is obvious. What companies really care about is not whether you will marry and have children, but whether you can perform well in this position and whether you can continue to create value for the company.

China’s labor law has strong protection for the third-phase female employees. For this reason, some employees are carrying this umbrella, which is not good for work and negative for absenteeism, which has a bad influence on the company.

So in the interview, we went to hr to show that we are not such a person and should be accepted.

How do you go to hr to show it? Still, as I said before, prepare some examples and prove to hr with your past experiences.

In my own case, I was in the interviewHave been asked, I have two children who will help me? The underlying word behind this question is, do you have two children that will affect your work?

So I said at the time that I only took two months of maternity leave when I was born with a second child. I came back to work because of my work.

The interviewer laughed when he heard this, and the problem was over. Of course, I am not encouraging everyone to be like me.

What are the recommendations for the corresponding graduate interview?

Rambo: For the interviewer, the recent graduate is a blank piece of paper and can try any new job.

So the freshmen don’t have to care too much about the so-called skills, just grasp the key points.

The first is to be honest. Be honest about your past and your thoughts and honestly express your vision.

The second is passion. You have to show your motivation and let the other person feel that you have the passion to do anything and meet any challenges.

The third is attitude. If you have an attitude to do things, your posture must be won.

The fourth is self-confidence and loves to learn. You have to show that you are a person who can learn quickly.

What are your suggestions for switching?

Gloria: Although I am responsible for recruiting, I don’t really encourage everyone to quit, or change jobs by changing jobs.

If you have an opportunity within the company, it is recommended to seek the opportunity to transfer jobs within the company. If you accumulate relevant experience and then change careers, your chances of success will be higher!

If you are jumping out of the company you are in and you have to change careers, you should at least have something to do with what you are doing now. Otherwise, it is hard to win approval and it is very difficult to succeed.

Although there may be an increase in the salary of the new company in the new company, you need time to work with the company and prove yourself with the leadership of the new company. This cost is not necessarily cost-effective.

In addition, I suggest that the work of changing careers is best related to what you are doing now, highlighting the relevant parts in your resume, and writing in your job search intentions why you want to change careers, and you think you What qualities are suitable for new jobs after the transition.

If you are really completely diversified, past experience has no value-added part of what you want to do in the future, then you have to give up some things, such as your salary will drop and your position will decrease.

But if this is really what you want, then you have to be willing to pay, remember that your majesty is to jump better.

Other interview points

Gloria: In the end, I want to bring you a focus in the interview, which is justified.

The answer to any question, in addition to telling your own opinion, you have to say support yourself.Evidence of opinion.

For example, the reason for leaving the company is really because there is no opportunity for development in the company. How do you let the other party hr believe?

Sometimes hr will think, is the company not developing opportunities, or is your personal ability to have problems before it is promoted? At this time you need to give actual evidence to support your point of view.

For example, you said that the management in the company is very stable. No one has left the company for several years. This kind of answer is evidence and can be accepted and recognized naturally.

Rambo: There is an interview example that I am very impressed with and I want to share it with you.

I have interviewed a more senior colleague. Whenever I ask a question, he can talk for a long time. I interrupt him. He may have to pick it up and continue to say that he has not gone through the whole process. Know my status.

I can understand that he wants to express himself and express his abilities. But he had a negative impact on this, and that was that I didn’t understand what I wanted to know so much that he didn’t pass the interview.

So in the interview, it is very important to observe whether the other party is willing to listen and what the other party wants to hear. It is important to adjust the rhythm of the opponent to the interviewer.

Interview is a process of communication between the two parties, so don’t forget the purpose and object of your expression. Always remember to listen and observe.

Gloria: Finally, I want to share with you a point outside of recruitment and interviews.

In fact, the recruitment interview to the final job is only the first level of your career, the most important thing is how your future performance in this company.

Ask yourself what you can do at work and think about how you can do better. All bosses will love people who can think independently, have their own ideas, be able to make comments, and do their jobs better.

Rambo: I want to say that the interviewer is not terrible. Many times he really hopes that you can join his company.

The interview is two-way. He wants to interview you to see if you meet the requirements of his company and grow up with the company. Then you have to interview him, is this company in line with your values?

As a job seeker, your goal is not to win all the offers, but to find the job that suits you best.

So I hope that in the future, everyone will maintain a good state in the interview, confidently and honestly show themselves and create a good communication atmosphere.

Gloria: I wish you all the best of your job, and the development of the workplace is smooth. Thank you.