The content of this article comes from my many years of personal practice and summary

Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Liu Yudong operation notes” (ID: liu17701793970), author Liu Yudong.

I will be writing a series of instructive articles about how Internet operators are growing fast in the near future. These articles are all from my personal experience and experience summary for many years, to help colleagues who are still struggling in the operating industry.

This is the third in the series.

Upward management, that is, how to effectively manage their “superior” and “boss” has long been a big headache for many operators and even workplace workers.

And for the “upward management” incident, through the contact with most of the operators around me, there are always several misunderstandings.

The first misunderstanding is that “upward management” means to be flattering and flattering.

You don’t laugh, most operators have more or less such a mentality.

Because they understand the “upward management” mistakes as flattering and flattering, in order to adhere to the so-called “self-esteem” in the heart, the last and the leaders are unpleasant.

The real upward management is to use a scientific, selective, systematic, planned, ruled, and regulated approach to manage your leadership in a long-term and effective manner, thus creating a good for yourself. Work situation.

There are many means in this business. Just like doing business and doing work, you need to have a logical and methodical approach. Simply thinking that “upward management” is a leader’s flattering is a very naive idea in the workplace.

The second misunderstanding is that as long as you do your business well and do your job well, you will be fully qualified and will win the appreciation of the leader.

This sentence at first glance, the logic is really not wrong, a bit similar,

  • As long as I have money, my beloved girl will love me;

  • As long as I am knowledgeable, people will admire me.

People who have such an idea will not be too deep in understanding the workplace.

Because they all neglect the high complexity of doing business and working in the workplace.

It is true that in the workplace, working hard is the duty that every worker should have, but any job, especially doing Internet operations, is faced with a game under a variety of complex variables.

Do you understand the needs of leaders, leadership support does not support you, your work ideas are clear, support resources are in place, businessWhether the logic is established, whether the business has an advantage, whether your ability is covered, etc., various variables will affect the results of your work.

And these variables can’t be changed by working hard. There are many variables that you need to fight through “upward management”, to control, to move, and to create.

Children who are called will have milk to eat. If you only work hard and don’t know how to manage your superiors, you will never be able to end up with a hard work in the workplace.

The third misunderstanding is that many people like to use the proverbs, chicken soup to guide their upward management strategy, and lack of implementation methods that can be implemented.

There was a special fire in the previous episode,

Everything has fallen, and there are echoes.

This sentence is not wrong, but everything goes down, and there are echoes in the pieces. This kind of feedback on work is actually a very small part of the upward management.

If you only pay attention to one-sided chicken soup for upward management, not focus on integrity, not paying attention to the system, and not paying attention to methodology, there will always be no way to go, and there will be no overall improvement in cognition and ability.

Chicken soup can’t change your life. Only the ground-breaking, perfect operation method will really change you.

I have worked for many years, and I have never followed seven or eight bosses. In terms of upward management, I have stepped on a lot of pits and made a lot of explorations. Finally, I have accumulated a lot of experience. Then I am based on the past. A few years of experience summary, for everyone to share, I am in the upward management, explore what methodologies and implementable means.


From the point of view of the end, the first point of doing an upward management is:

Learn to filter out a good boss or a good supervisor.

Please don’t laugh.

If you can be conscious, have an analysis to find a good boss or a good boss, then the difficulty of management will be greatly reduced.

Just like doing business, if the quality of the product is not good, then you can’t expand it even if you have superb operational capabilities. Upward management is the same.

When is this screening generally done?

It’s at the time of the interview.

When your future superior or boss is interviewing you, you have to have the same meaning.Knowledge, targeted interviews, to judge whether he is a worthy follower, or will be in the future, with your happy counterparts or boss.

But this kind of observation and judgment belongs to benevolent seeers, and wise sees wisdom.

For example, I prefer to observe whether my future boss or superior has the following points during the interview, because I think these points are more important for the cooperation between the two parties. .

First I will see if my future boss has enough patience.

If he will interrupt me very strongly, will he be self-righteous, will he listen patiently to me?

If the boss and the superior can show enough patience, then I believe that the relationship between the superior and the subordinate will be relatively harmonious.

I will also observe whether the future boss or superior has logic during the interview.

Including I will try to ask for details about the business, listen to his explanations, and judge whether his thinking and expression are logical;

Some bosses or superiors are too emotional, too emotional or ideal when they introduce you to their company’s business. I ignore the basic business logic and rules. I will not choose the big probability because it will give up and down. The future cooperation of the level brings certain hidden dangers.

I also like to ask my future boss or my resume before the interview to make a comprehensive judgment.

Like his previous resume and what he is doing now, is there a lot of relevance or extensibility?

If the result is “yes”, then I believe that the needs that he gave me afterwards must be logical and common sense, and will not be unconstrained.

If he had a business experience before, or had a failed experience, then I would probably think that he has a certain degree of awe, knowing the difficulty of doing things, not taking everything for granted.

Similarly, I will also observe whether the boss or the superior is optimistic or objective about what he is doing.

If the business itself has big problems, but the boss is very optimistic and thinks that it can be done, then I may want to measure it, because this kind of optimism, the mentality that is not seen by the difficulties will make the subordinates execute. Time is in trouble.

For example, I interviewed the user growth leader of a product under the headline. This product is an expression package tool. I have raised doubts about the logic of the whole product and the business logic during the interview process. I think this product can be done, but as the person in charge of the business, that is, my future superior, is it really clear that the problem is the key?key.

However, the vice president of the business interviewed at the time turned a blind eye to the risks (or said that he brainwashed himself), and still firmly believes that there is a market, then we can not be together, even this Things can be done in the end, and I can’t and my superiors become partners who can work side by side because our understanding of the problem and expectations are inconsistent.

Finally, I will continue to judge during the interview. My future boss has high expectations for me.

A company, a team, a boss recruiting people, more or less have expectations. Expectations are not terrible, but if this expectation is too high, it will also put yourself in a dangerous situation, so that it is impossible to manage the superiors effectively.

Because the boss’s expectations for you are too high, but you can’t really reach his expectations, it’s just a matter of disappointment, contempt, and ridicule, and there’s a superb upward management. Skills are also useless.

So if you want to manage it up, you should first learn to filter and observe the superiors or bosses who can maintain a relatively harmonious relationship with you in the future,

  • He is best to have some patience;

  • He’s better thinking, doing things with more logic, not sensibility, which avoids thinking out one is the same;

  • His best resume has a certain correlation with the current project;

  • He and your prospects for the project, whether optimistic or objective, must be at least consistent, you can’t be objective about the project’s prospects, he is optimistic, then everyone is destined to play less than one piece;

  • In the end, he has certain expectations for you, but it is not too high, so the space for fault tolerance will be larger, allowing you to play progressively.

Everything starts with the end, and everything is right, everything is right.


Of course, this ability to screen bosses is not a one-time process, but a long-term observation and fine-graining of people.

But in any case, such awareness and ability need to be constantly exercised.

Most people work only on research, not on researchers.

That’s about managing the second point, is to learn to pick up the boss’s needs.

Because as a subordinate, to undertake, to complete the needs of the boss or superior, is the top priority in the entire workplace.

So a very important part of the upward management is to learn to pick up the needs of the boss.

Maybe most people will think that the needs of picking up the boss are very simple. If the boss wants to do it, you will do it.

This is still a relatively naive idea in the workplace.

Because many times, the demands given by the boss may be wrong, or are not understood, or are problematic, or are unclear, or are not determined enough, etc., if every A requirement you need to do directly after you receive it, then you will be caught in the ocean of demand chaos.

The last time I was squandered, I lost my boss’s trust in you.

So it is important to conduct a series of analysis, assessment, understanding, disassembly, testing, and management of the boss’s needs.

First learn to judge the boss’s needs.

What to judge?

Just judge that his needs are going to be bigger, or to be smaller.

We often encounter this situation in the workplace:

After you received the boss’s needs, I’ve been doing it for a long time and returned it. The boss is not very satisfied. I criticize you for doing it too complicated. This is not so complicated. I want something very straightforward. , very simple…..

And once again, after you received the boss’s request, you quickly and quickly got out of a thing. As a result, the boss was not satisfied, saying that you were doing too much. This thing is too simple….

This kind of situation often happens in the workplace. When I bring a team, my subordinates often have such problems.

This is why you didn’t judge the boss’s needs, and didn’t communicate with him clearly. Is this thing going to be big or small?

You are getting bigger, it takes a long time, the boss will ask you to think about the problem, is done small, and soon the boss will think that you are perfunctory.

So be sure to judge the boss’s needs and decide whether you want to do it or do it.

  • Large, we will give the complete program, complete report,

  • Small, we will quickly document, prototype, make small plans, and quickly cross.

In addition to this, what else to judge?

Just judge the boss’s needs to be a face, or to be a quilt.

Sometimes the boss will often give you some needs, write a report, write a plan, write a fourth quarter business plan, write a 2020 departmental planDraw.

The demand inside is to make a judgment. Is doing face-to-face engineering or doing actual lining business?

Some plans may be that your boss needs to report it up, or bring this program report to a higher level department for reporting and debriefing. The demand is to face, you need to be more ambitious Write in a higher-level direction, support your boss when reporting,You have to write beautifully, beautifully, can’t let your boss hold Spread the rough goods to report;

If these business contents are only for the department to look at, then this demand is lining, you may have to write more direct, more frank, not too beautiful but to be neat, because these things are the department to see.

The boss sometimes criticizes you, saying that you are doing a rough job, and sometimes saying that judging what you are doing is very exaggerated,

Rough and exaggerated are relative. If you judge the demand judgment accurately, you will not be criticized.

This judgment also includes how the priority of the requirements is divided.

For example, the boss always has a lot of ideas and things. He will throw it at you when he thinks of it. If you can’t prioritize these requirements, then you will only be exhausted.

For example, get the boss’s needs, ask more questions, this matter is anxious, when is the deadline, I will do other things before doing this again?

Divide the priorities of the requirements and proceed in an orderly manner.


There is also a higher level of judgment on demand. You have to judge whether the boss’s needs are “tempted” or resolutely.

This ability to subordinates is relatively high, and it is also a place where many workplace workers often encounter pits.

You will often find that your boss wants you to do something, but does not give you the resources, does not give you the corresponding power, just passed the gun, but on the surface it is very determined.

For such a demand, we must be able to judge it. This is the boss is testing.

If you still complain about no money, no power, nothing to do, etc., it is problematic in itself.

Because he wants to try this and doesn’t want to bear too much cost, all you have to do is find a way to complete the test at a lower cost and bring back a basic result back to the intersection. .

If you press it up at this time, then you will fall intoThe boss dug in the pit.

For example, in the process of guiding a friend how to be an operational leader, he received such a request.

The boss asked him to re-create the company’s user service system.

There is a lot of resources involved in building a user service system. On the bright side, this is a big demand, and the boss said that it is also very determined. It is very important to say that it is necessary to invest a lot of resources. To do this, the whole company should pay attention to this matter.

But these are just the boss’s mouthpieces. He didn’t give friends any rights, money, people. If a friend came up with a big knife and cooperated with the whole company to do this, it would fall directly into the pit. It is easy to be dissed by colleagues in other departments.

Because colleagues in other departments will think that you have not got the power granted by the boss, to toss us, why should I cooperate with you?

So my friends and I assessed it, although the boss said it was fierce, but this demand is only a tentative demand, only need to catch it, and low-cost advancement is successful.

In this line of thought, a friend found a group in one of the departments, and asked the group to have a meal. Everyone started a basic pilot work, which would not only advance the business, but also the company. The chicken flying dog jumps, and at the same time, the report to the boss is also the beginning of this matter, starting from the pilot of the small department.

For such work ideas, the boss is very satisfied, thinks that there is a lot of rules, and friends have avoided rashly pushing without a clear authorization, and finally fell into a situation of unrewarding.


That is the judgment of the demand, the next step is to talk about the understanding and disassembly of the demand.

In the upward management, the understanding and dismantling of the superior needs is the top consciousness that an operator and a workplace worker must possess.

I have emphasized in previous articles,

Understanding the problem is more important than solving the problem.

For up management,

Understanding the boss’s needs is more important than solving the needs.

One of the common problems that many rookies often make is that after getting the needs of the leader or the boss, they don’t ask clearly. They will do it when they come up. The result is that the boss is not very satisfied with the things they do, and they don’t have any grievances.

So after getting the boss’s needs, be sure to ask first, understand it, and then do it.

For example, the boss greets me:

Winter, come over, your team will do a lot of product analysis.

Okay, this demand seems simple, but there are a lot of pits buried. If you don’t ask clearly, you will encounter many problems if you rush to do it.

I took out the book and started to ask while writing.

I: OK, but I have a problem. I have a lot of products. Do we have to do a comprehensive analysis? Does it include an e-commerce module? We don’t have an e-commerce module for our products. Are we preparing for the e-commerce module? (Excavating exactly what he wants)

Boss: Isn’t it, what e-commerce? Do you give me money to engage in e-commerce? I mean, you want to study and research their red envelope game, fission gameplay.

I: Oh, understand, so this competing product analysis can only analyze their marketing activities, right? The e-commerce part does not need to be analyzed, right? (Reconfirm, implement the notes to avoid subsequent changes)

Boss: Right.

I: What is the main analysis? Process? Or the page? Still kind. (Ask the depth of the requirement to be executed)

Boss: Everything, all, take your team to analyze the details.

I: Then I understand, then we analyze the link from the link, page, copy, three perspectives, can you see? (Preset a few directions in advance, give the boss a frame, don’t let him diverge)

Boss: Add another interaction. This report will let the UED group also look at it and analyze the interaction.

I: OK, then I am giving a PPT? (Inquiry about what form to give to him, lest I change it)

Boss: Don’t be so troublesome, the documentation is fine, the documentation is fine.

I: If I have the document, I will put more screenshots and put the screenshots on it. Do you see it? (I understand, and at the same time put forward some better comments)

Boss: Yes.

I: This is actually quite a lot of things. I guess I will get it to you before I leave work on Friday. There are still a lot of things on my side, don’t you worry? (I mean that my work is very saturated, this matter has to be prioritized, don’t worry, don’t give me anything else)

Boss: Don’t worry.

I: Ok, finally confirm, a few big points.

1. Only analyze marketing campaign modules

2. From the perspective of link, page, copy, and interaction

3, you can do it with the document, put more screenshots, other departments have to look at it, and make it look better.

4, given before work on Friday…

(After confirming, I also indicated to him that this matter has been very logical and organized, please rest assured).

You see, a small set of requirements must be fully understood, and the work done in this way will certainly not be criticized by the boss.

Even if the boss criticizes, the notebook is taken, and the boss is a pair, then he has nothing to say.

What is up management? This is the upward management.

In addition to understanding the needs of the boss, the need to dismantle the boss is alsoVery important.

How to disassemble?

It’s a virtual split, and it’s really broken.

What is imaginary?


玮冬, the work before the product goes online should be done well.

This is a virtual need.

玮冬, you have to give users a good guiding experience through operation.

This is also virtual.

When you are winter, your team needs to know more about users.

This is also a virtual need.

These requirements are somewhat directional, but they all express the boss’s expectations in a general language,

What you have to do at this time is to disassemble these virtual needs into real needs.

For example, the boss asks you to do the work before the product goes online.

Therefore you need to quickly prepare a product for the work before going online.

Prepare the product before going online:

1. Prepare 30 seed users of this product and prepare for priority experience after going online.

2. The communication designer should do the relevant materials before going online. The specific materials include………

3. Arrange for the operation colleagues to write the relevant introductions before the launch. The specific copy of the copy is: …..

4. Plan an activity within a product to let users know what features are available when the new version goes live.


The above work is organized into a form, and the boss and related responsible persons are sent by email and officially executed.

This is the dismantling of the boss’s “virtual” needs, and it has been broken into practical work that can be carried out.

If the boss says that you want to know more about the user, then you have to catch up with this demand and take out the work that can be done.

1, you decided to conduct a large-scale survey of users

2, you decide that about 10 users will communicate by phone

3, you decide to conduct one-on-one interviews with 5 users offline

4. When these are completed, you will issue a report of the results.

Once this operation, your bosses must be very pleased, and you will be sure that you understand his needs and have a method and a structured implementation.

That is to disassemble the virtual one.

It’s also important to disassemble the actual ones into fine ones.

The boss said:

Winter, our company has to do a short video project, you should take the lead in organizing this matter.

This is the real need, and my task is to disassemble it into a thin one.

I willChat with the boss with the plan.

Boss, I think this thing is pretty good. I have disassembled it into the following stages.

The first stage, the bottom stage, we will investigate 50 vibrato numbers, conduct a round of arranging and analysis, and verify the following points: 1XXXXXXX, 2XXXXXXX….

The second stage, positioning and discussion stage, we will make a whole plan according to the research results, and discuss with everyone, the time point is X year X month X…..

In the third stage, in the small-scale test phase, we will conduct a small round of testing, 5 numbers, 5 kinds of content to run synchronously, and see the test results….

The fourth stage…….

After layer-by-layer disassembly, things are turned into concrete and advanceable routes.

There may be friends who say why it is so cumbersome. Isn’t this formalism? Going straight up is not finished?

This is a taboo in the workplace,

There is no rule, no logic to go straight, hard work.

This is pretty done, you will not have any growth, and will not show your value in front of the boss and superiors.

When you can have logic, have a chapter to disassemble a thing, and express it to your leader, then in the eyes of the leader, you are a really reliable, logical, capable subordinate.

Why do some people complain that they are very hardworking and very capable, but they are not valued by the leaders.

You never show the logic, thinking, and process of doing things, just giving you a result. How can the leader think that what you are doing is valuable and weighty?


Of course, even if you do judge, understand, and disassemble, it is difficult to guarantee that you will not be caught by some of the boss’s needs.

Because not all bosses or superiors want to understand, they will let you do it.

A lot of demands are often not understood by them and will let you do it.

So it’s important to test the boss’s needs and throw in the jade.

For example, the demand given by the boss is ambiguous, or the planning is relatively large.

Then I will not start directly. In addition to repeated communication, I will first use a simple framework plan to find the boss. After all, the cost of making the brain map is simple but clear. Intuitive.

If even the brain map is not consistent with the boss, then I will certainly not rush to do deeper action.

For example, sometimes the boss or the superior will have some impossible tasks, or let you do something that violates the logic of common sense. There is no way for such a demand, if it is done, it will not be done, but not doHowever, it is impossible to make a difference.

So in general, I will do some user research, get some less optimistic arguments through the user’s mouth, and then form a report and return it to the boss.

After all, the information from the first hand of the user, no boss is dare to ignore. In this way, we can avoid the erroneous things and continue to advance, and achieve the purpose of the cross.

That is the same, the boss’s needs also need to be restrained and managed.

When you have piled up a few things, or if you don’t finish things often, you have to be rushed to do the next thing. For such a situation, you have to give some feedback.

That is to bargain.

For example, if you want to talk to your boss, things can continue to be picked up, but there must be a sequence, or this thing should be put first, do new things, or new things should be ranked first, then back, or this work can’t be done. Keep doing it.

Even if the final result does not necessarily achieve the desired effect, it will already give the boss a certain warning to keep them restrained.


As long as you can judge, understand, disassemble, implement, and constrain the boss’s needs through certain bargaining, let the boss not think about it. That basically solves most of the problems in the upward management.

After all, you have picked up his needs, and he will find it hard to find you again.

There are a few remaining issues, need to be resolved through daily upward management.

Yes, daily upward management is equally important.

The first point is: to keep active with the boss or superior, high-frequency communication.

This kind of communication is actually a natural process, and no one should deliberately think about it.

This kind of natural communication can include finding leaders every day to simply report what they are doing and how the various projects are progressing;

You can also chat about some of the trends you’ve seen and make some simultaneous feedback;

You can also talk about which one you have seen,

You can also talk about short parents, or smoke together,

In short, keep communicating with the leaders once a day or 1~2 days, I think it is necessary,

This communication is not particularly formal, nailed about it, meet and talk, and when you come across a simple sentence, you can do it.

Many people are often not led by the leaders in the workplace. What does this mean?

It’s not taking the initiative to communicate and communicate.

You don’t take the initiative to communicate. The superior doesn’t know that you are busy every day, and you will definitely have concerns.

The second point of daily management is:

Actively report.

This positive report includes both oral and written, as well as reporting and post-event reporting.

For example, if you receive a request from your boss and you have already started to move, you can briefly report to the boss about what you are doing, telling about the situation of advancement, thinking about it, and constantly reporting through this kind of oral report. Tell the boss to wear a message:

I am doing things, I am advancing according to the ideas you envision, please don’t worry.

After each project is finished, or after every thing is done, if you have a small matter, you can verbally and the boss report the results of this incident. medium and large projects must produce a detailed To summarize the report, write:

How is the data for this project,

Is it up to expectations,

What happened during the middle process?

How did we solve it?

What has been gained through this project?


Give one thing, a full period of a project.

This kind of high-frequency report, the operator must regard him as an important consciousness, always remind himself, should not always bury their heads and do things, do not pay attention to reporting.

If you finish one thing and don’t complete the summary and explanation to the boss, then you will give him the impression that there is no end to life.

In the workplace, the bosses of course like the most reliable subordinates, What is reliable? How is it reflected?

It is reflected in the process of doing things, the verbal report, is reflected in the completion of the matter, give this thing a complete “period”.


The third important point of daily management is:

Continue to improve the fit of the boss and show it.

Our career will be long, growing to ten or even decades.

In this process, you will encounter bosses of different styles and different styles. Some bosses value logic; some bosses have ideas and are organized; some bosses have a starry sky; some bosses have strange characters; some bosses are strong; Some bosses have no opinion….

Because every person is a living person, it is also important to improve the fit of each boss.

Speaking aside, you will find people who are far away in the workplace, who are climbing higher, who are superior, for the company, for the system,The degree of adaptation to the business must be very high,

Whether the mountain turns, he is still good at adapting to various environments;

But some people may do a good job in an environment. If you change the environment and change to a higher level, he will be very uncomfortable.

Therefore, it is necessary to consciously cultivate the adaptability to various bosses. This adaptation is reflected in the details of daily work.

For example, a boss I have worked with before, he attaches great importance to the logic of the program, neatness and organization.

So I spent a lot of time, constantly grinding the overall logic of my own plan, and making the form beautiful, let him look as comfortable as possible, even how his format is done, I will follow His format allows him to feel my adaptation to him;

After I followed a boss, the boss didn’t pay attention to the beautiful and not beautiful you wrote, and didn’t pay attention to the cleanliness of your work. He paid attention to whether you would disassemble the target and carry out a well-organized and organized approach. Advance, I made a quick adjustment of my work ideas, no longer engaged in flowering and embroidering legs, focusing on how to keep up with his ideas, constantly dismantling and advancing goals, even when reporting, I try to learn from him as much as possible. Muzzle, his expression, so that he can feel, I have been actively adapting to him;

Afterwards, I have followed a boss. He has no logic in doing things, no rules, no dismantling, and he has nothing to do with his work. He always wants to be out, but he likes things that are so good. So the focus of my work has become how to do as much as possible to do something that can be high and high, and it seems to feel tall, For example, I re-established the company’s back-office operating system. After a while, I led the team to come up with several integrated marketings with full-volume voice quality. These projects are very vigorous, and he also feels that I am actively adapting to him;

Afterwards, I have followed a boss. He is very concerned about the depth of his subordinates’ thinking. Every time he listens to your report, he will smear and twitch. Ask you to ask questions and ask details. To the essence, various questions turn to the law to ask you.

At the beginning, I was asked about the seven and eight elements. Later, I slowly imitated his ideas. Like a Foreign Ministry spokesperson, I listed the questions that the boss might ask as much as possible and answered them in detail. Every time I communicate, my play can be a little better than last time. Similarly, the boss can feel it constantly, my adaptation to him…

This adaptation, and the constant presentation of your adaptation to the boss, is very important.

It’s really important.

As a superior, as a boss, not afraid of subordinates stupid, not afraid of subordinates stupid, afraid that subordinates do not grow, do not mind, and this constant adaptation, will let the boss see youThe continuous growth, see your intentions, and thus more and more assured, disguised to achieve the purpose of upward management.

Speaking off topic, in fact, love, marriage, the same reason, you constantly improve the fit of your partner, and show this adaptation to him through various details, Then your partner will be full of confidence in your future.

I am afraid that I love someone very much, but this person does not have any growth, and I still do my own thing. This is the most disappointing in love and marriage.

Sorry, it’s far away.


The company is sometimes like an army, and the entire chain maintains a certain degree of obedience to operate at high speed.

So maintaining a high level of obedience to work and boss requirements is a basic awareness that a workplace worker must have.

But a high degree of obedience does not mean that the leader or superior can abuse his power. I can highly obey you, but you must also cherish the power in your hands, but also improve your business level and management level. I am changing the law.

Especially, as far as I can observe, the management level of most company bosses or superiors is generally bad, which is reflected in the following aspects:

  • Without thinking, you can’t think of it,

  • Fantastic, I hope my subordinates are empty gloves, white wolf,

  • Thinking in confusion, clearly wanting the East, actually going west,

  • Your mistakes let subordinates come back to the pot,

  • Freely vent your emotions,

  • There is no way to work, and the sustenance of the results is given to the subordinates,

  • Let your subordinates do dirty work, be a good person,

  • Amateur commander,

  • Indiscriminately fighting chicken blood,

  • It’s always a verbal support, and there’s no action,

  • I’m being beaten by myself, but I’m not acknowledging,

  • A variety of planning plans to plan, change from time to time, no continuity,


This problem is very common in most of the company’s management echelons.

There are many leaders whose management level is very bad, but they still don’t know, for such bosses, such superiors, It is important to express your feelings to the boss and express your emotions.

If you simply endure it, it will only be intensified, and this is not in line with the principle of upward management.

As I explored for many years, I summed up a set of three axes for the protests of my superiors. Has achieved relatively good results.

The first axe, I call it a smile,

I will try my best to jokingly, to the boss, to confuse me, I am quite dissatisfied with him. The whole atmosphere will be as active as possible, mainly based on jokes, The boss usually hears me joking and tells him that he will not quarrel with me. After all, he does not smile, But in fact, when I smiled and spit, my heart was already in my heart.

The smart boss will explain it when he hears my jokes, or adjust it later. This is a more complete result. Everyone is not hurtful, and can also get things into a good development. .

This kind of smile protest is also more suitable for girls, because girls in the workplace smile a little smile to the leader, sprinkle, spit, will naturally express the protest and dissatisfaction, do not believe you to observe Observe those female colleagues who have higher emotional intelligence in the workplace.

Second axe, I call it a long-term heart.

If the first axe is cut down and found to be unusable, it means things will go in a worse direction. You can’t be joking at this time. I will be at the same time, about the boss. Deep chat.

The atmosphere of this deep chat must be based on four words.

Don’t be noisy, don’t make trouble, be peaceful, calm, honest.

I will make some preparations, and then talk to the boss about the recent work situation, and slowly guide the boss into my game, I will tell him that I have been highly obedient to you. I have been working hard to help you to do things (expressing me is still very loyal), I will say that the boss I admire you, many points on you are worth learning. (Expressing your ability is still in me Above), I will say that I am like the boss, I hope that our department can get better and better (our interests are still consistent).

But, I feel so painful when you do it.

Then go into the stage of complaints, boss, you see that I work overtime every night…..(sue)

BossYou look at the last thing, I have to bear it… (complain)

The boss is so desperate, you still have to do it…….

Does your conscience not hurt?

Cough, until the end, don’t say the last sentence.

Generally speaking, this kind of protest is also safer, because you are not quarreling in the past, you are not refuting in the past, you are not a denial of his leadership, you are just honest, sincerely going He expresses your helplessness.

Generally, at this time, most of the better-speaking superiors or bosses will basically realize their own problems, they will advise you well and will explain to you. Even if he doesn’t admit his mistakes in the end, he will converge slightly.

Speaking aside, making good use of the “long-mindedness” communication method is a high-level communication skill in the workplace. Whether it is education subordinates, management superiors, or wooing peers, or controlling suppliers and partners, they are very A good way.

If you don’t have such communication skills, it is recommended to practice a lot.

If the axe of the long-term focus is still useless, then look for an opportunity to get angry.

Don’t be afraid, in modern society, working relationship is not a dependency relationship, but a contractual relationship. I am led by you, it is based on contractual constraints, so I am properly angry, it does not mean I am in breach of the contract.

The subordinates must find the right time to get angry with the superiors.

  • For example, the leader asked you to grind a manuscript, grind it seven or eight times, and each time the revised comments were ambiguous, that kind of thing can be ignited;

  • For example, if the leader leads the business with the team, the two days change and the chaos is very chaotic. At this time, it is also possible to get angry at this point;

  • If the demand of the leader is unclear, the understanding of the task assigned by the company is wrong, and the result is that you have a pot, and this time you can get angry;

This kind of anger must be on the matter, not in public, only in private occasions, only to ask questions, not to expand, to quickly complete, to quickly end, not to let things turn into quarrels, even if there is a quarrel, only In order to ask questions, in general, the management will also feel that it is a loss, and seek peace and quiet.

I always think that the most difficult thing in the upward management is the protest against the management, because this kind of protest also needs a lot of variables to support.

  • For example, if you are the core backbone of the company, you may get a little bit of fire, and you will get good results. You are the boss’s confidant, and you may get a positive feedback if you are a little bit fluent;

  • But if you are just an ordinary employee, your ability is not very strong, or you have nothing to do, then all your protest methods are basically meaningless.

So, before learning to protest against the leadership, let yourself be the backbone of the team, become the backbone of the company, become the leader of the right arm, is the most important, only then, your protest is more weighty .


A lot of times, when protesting against leaders, you don’t have to pursue immediate feedback.

Because the boss is good or the leader is good, it is very difficult to admit mistakes to you, After all, people are going to face.

So if you can express your inner thoughts in this way and give your superior a warning, then the basic purpose is achieved.

I see a lot of subordinates and bosses quarreling, the two sides must argue who is right and who is wrong, This is a very naive behavior in the workplace, even if the boss is wrong, can clarify in person What?

Obviously not, There is no point in arguing who is right or wrong. You only need to express your thoughts, it is enough to achieve the goal,This thing will be done in the future. Now, you have already cleared up the relationship, you can say calmly to your superiors:

Hey, look, I reminded you, X X, X, X, I’m very clear to you in this office, this thing……….

So in the upward management, it is important to maintain a good attitude and posture.

First of all, the first point is not humble.

No humbleness is manifested in my obedience to your leadership, I will resolutely implement your needs, but in the process of communication, we must be equal in the process of doing things, my tone of speaking with you, more It’s more about equal communication, to communicate, instead of being lower than the fourth, not flattering, not like a student facing a teacher.

The uncompromising temperament is very important for middle and above managers.

When you mix into the middle of the company or even the higher positions, your ability, cognition, and experience are not as green as those who have just entered the workplace. You have your own Consciousness, strategy,Idea, opinion, ability.

So at this stage, you can use your partner’s tone, attitude, attitude, and dialogue with your superiors or boss.

When you can convey such a mentality, your boss will talk to you in the same tone, and naturally establish an equal communication with you.

If you position yourself in a subordinate, an executor’s gesture, then your superior’s tone to you will naturally be a commanding, imperative tone.

So, in the case of ensuring obedience and ensuring good things, keep a kind of attitude that is not humble and equal, and you will get a good posture in the upward management.

The second point is to be strong inside.

Many people are more sensitive in the workplace, sensitive is not wrong, sensitive means that you can observe many details that ordinary people can’t observe.

But it’s too sensitive, it will affect your mindset, which is very bad.

For example, if you are at work, you will often encounter a boss who is angry with you because of some minor problems. For example, if you say something wrong, for example, you accidentally made a small mistake, such as when you are not obedient, , I will occasionally be led by the leader and I will not be pleasing to the eye.

In fact, these are minor issues that are insignificant.

Because in the workplace, the boss’s accidental anger is often not logical:

  • The car parked on the side of the road may have been trafficked,

  • It may be that I had a fight with my wife yesterday,

  • It may be that the investment is being invested by the investor DISS,

Wait, etc., it is possible for the boss to fire at you with a small point.

If your mindset collapses because of the small fires of these bosses, then it shouldn’t be very, because these are accidental things that don’t mean anything, If you can’t put these emotions Excluded from the outside, and the heart is not strong enough, it will often be broken by this trivial matter.

The third point is not to put too much pressure on yourself.

We have a lot of operators. I haven’t managed the boss up yet, and I’m very tired of myself.

I always feel that the boss has very high expectations for himself. If things don’t work well, I am sorry for such expectations.

This is also a relatively immature mentality in the workplace.

Because such pressure is completely unnecessary.

Your boss, or your superiors, many people have been in the workplace for many years, what kind of people have not seen? What kind of things have not happened? Everyone has a few pounds and two, everyone is like the mirror, will not put all hope on you.

Why do you have to put so much pressure on yourself?

Even if your boss often tells you that the project will depend on you in the future, the company will rely on you, and the performance will depend on you.This is just the scene that everyone who will be talking about the rivers and lakes for many years, If you are confused by such words, it is too green.

So my friends, doing things seriously in the workplace, doing things with care, is definitely not wrong, but can relax the pressure, let yourself be in a very natural, very calm state of mind, will make your work more calm .

You are nervous about yourself, and the boss who sees you nervous will be bored and bored by your nervousness,

This is not a good upward management.

Instead, your hard work, careful preparation, and the ability to convey a calm, calm temperament, the leader or boss, will like such people, will think that you can hold things, you will think that you are The backbone of the team, who can be responsible, will also think that you are the real right arm.

And this calm and calm, from the moment to tell yourself, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, the company will not pin all hope on you.

The fourth point is conscience.

The last point is very important. I always think that as long as you can achieve true conscience in the workplace, you have already completed the most up-to-date management.

In the workplace, we are often kidnapped by bosses, superiors, and various words such as performance, emotion, responsibility, unity, youth, future, growth, hard work, and learning.

This kind of “kidnapping” often causes the workers of the Qing Dynasty to be circumvented. In the end, they feel that the fault is happening to them, and they are very disappointed with themselves. They feel that they are right for their cultivation and period. Hope.

Generally at this time, you are successfully taken away by the leader and superiors…..

If you can always keep a clear-hearted attitude, all the work, you try your best, can’t do the best, then this is your current limit level, you have a clear conscience;

The method of trying, you have tried, but did not find the right way, your boss has not found, then why bother to force you? You have a clear conscience;

I tried my best to advance, butI can’t push it. I can try all the means I can try, but the leaders don’t come out and don’t provide support. I didn’t push forward, but I have no conscience.


As long as you can maintain this mentality in the workplace, you will be very calm to face your superiors, your boss, you will never be disturbed by any negative emotions, kidnapped , Always be awake to see the position and actions of the superior or the boss in any matter,When you can keep this sober and objective, then you are managing upwards. In the middle, it is always the one who takes the initiative.

I used to feel guilty because a lot of work was not done well, and I felt that a lot of faults happened because of my problems, but now I think carefully, I can do everything in my heart. I tried my best to do it and tried my best. I didn’t look down on anyone, and I didn’t feel sorry for any work. It is immoral to impose any fault on me.

When I slowly established this kind of clear-minded mentality, in the workplace, I have never been blamed by anyone, blaming the crime, I can therefore calmly face all the things of the company, try my best Go and do it, confession, When I have this mentality, my superiors, and the boss, will be more tolerant to me than others,So I hope that you too Be able to do everything in the workplace, and then keep your conscience.


Okay, write this, I feel that I need to summarize it.

First of all, mixed with the workplace, do business, we must attach great importance to the upward management, manage our superiors, in order to do things better, to get the highest income.

To do a good job of management, you must first learn to find a reliable, clear, logical, patient leadership, so in the interview, you need to constantly improve your reading ability, and constantly accumulate, so that you can see more people. More accurate.

Most of the work in the upward management is mainly reflected in the needs of the boss. As long as you can take over the needs of the boss, then upward management has been successful.

This includes the judgment of the boss’s needs, the dismantling of the demand, the dismantling of the virtual into a real one, the actual dismantling into a fine, to avoid getting the demand is quite dry.

In addition to the demand for the demand, a lot of work on the upward management must also be done in peacetime, such as high-frequency communication, incidents and after-the-fact reports, for the continuous adaptation of the leadership, will let you gradually affect the boss Your opinion.

Upward management also includes protesting against the boss’s “stuck”. This kind of protest must be staged, leveld, and has no means to expand.Laughing and vomiting, or a long-term focus, or grab a bit of quarrel, you must point to it.

In fact, in the process of upward management, it is also important to adjust the mentality and posture. After all, many decisions of the boss will affect your own mentality and posture, and the mentality and posture will adversely affect your boss. Management.

If the posture is not humble, for example, to be strong inside, and then don’t give yourself too much pressure, do everything for everything, and have a clear conscience.

A good mindset and posture will make you take the initiative in the upward management and always have a good time.

I am writing this article, not advocating political struggles in the workplace, office struggles. Just as a person, I want to tell you honestly,

Things do things at the end, all dealing with people.

Especially when you move to a higher-level position, a higher-level position, you will find a lot of time and effort, all to be an unstable element to control people.

And doing a good job of management is the only way you can go to a higher level.

There are still a lot of content about upward management. I have only talked about the experience and summary of my actual practice in recent years. I hope to help you.

Thank you again for seeing you at the end of this article. This article has been written so long, and I didn’t think of it beforehand. I hope that every word can raise the path of your career. Go to the help.

Thanks for reading, the full text is over.