On “How to treat mistakes and pains.”

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Jingwei Ventures” (ID: Matrixpartnerschina), author Ray Dario, compile infinite details, is authorized for release.

Mark Twain said, “History will not repeat itself, but it has its rhythm.” This sentence tells us from a macro perspective that the development of things has its own laws, and it also explains the possibility from the micro level, that is, the problems encountered by each of us, although the details are not the same, but the reasons are often similar.

Today’s sharing comes from Dario, and with the publication of the Principles in China he is widely known and close to God. At the age of 26, in the sturdy apartment building, Dario established the Bridge Water Fund. In 2011, the Bridge Water Fund surpassed the quantum fund of the financial tycoon Soros to become the most profitable hedge fund in the world.

In the early days of his investment career, Dario also lost nearly bankruptcy and laid off all employees. Afterwards, he reconsidered that the advantage of this matter is that he has learned to fear since then, switching from “I know that I am right” to “How do I know that I am right?”

The article that I shared today, the most inspiring thing for us is “how to deal with mistakes and pain.” Although Dario’s book is named “Principles”, in fact few people can really establish principles through the experience of others. In essence, only the fall, the pain, the reflection, will harvest the principles that belong to you.

Dario thinks that he is a “professional erring”. His life is very long. We all make all kinds of mistakes and experience pain. The pit of life may be different in size because of one’s specific experience and ability to resist risks, but no one can bypass it, the same for successful people. Is there an open mind and whether there is a correct reflection, which is the difference in where we will go in the future. There is a line in “The Godfather” is – Great men are not born great, they grow great. Below, Enjoy:

I read countless people, No one successful person is talented

The law of nature is like this. We are not satisfied with the realization of one dream, but the process of enjoying this dream, which is based on the principle of diminishing returns.

I have always been very lucky, because I have the opportunity to experience penniless and know how rich is. Nowadays, many people spend a lot of energy to make money. If I have not experienced both poverty and wealth, I will not understand whether money is really important to me.

I don’t know how meaningful it is to others, but for me, making more money is not as big a difference as it can only meet basic needs.

Because I think the best things in life are: meaningful work, meaningful connections, interesting experiences, good sleep, listening to songs, new ideas, sex and other basic needs and people. Pleasant things. When the accumulation of money reaches a certain critical point, the increase will increase the number of things that I think is the best in life.

I am in my 60s. I have a lot of people at this age. One of them is that I can look back and see if these principles have really worked.

I found that the concept of success for the public is this: wearing Ralph Lauren clothing, attaching a summary of his achievements to a glamorous publicity photo – the best private preparatory school, admitted to Ivy The league’s prestigious universities can answer all the exam questions. In fact, this is a misunderstanding of the lives of truly successful people.

I read countless people. There is no talent for successful people. They often make mistakes and have many shortcomings. They succeed because they face mistakes and shortcomings and find ways to avoid mistakes and solve problems in the future.

So I feel that I will make full use of the process of facing the reality, especially the painful experience in the struggle against difficult obstacles, and try to learn from it, so that we can achieve our goals faster.

The goal is that you are willing to give up other things that you ultimately fight for.

Become a big event, doesn’t make money as a primary goal

For example, suppose your dream is to make money, and when you earn enough, you will have no marginal benefits if you make more money. If you dream of making money at this time, you will be stupid.

Being more than the margin of use, it is difficult to get rewards, even if there is no return, it will also produce negative results such as greed.

According to the principle of diminishing returns, we naturally want to seek new things or explore new levels of existing things so that we can be satisfied.

I believe that following the laws of the universe and pursuing personal goals on the basis of evolution is good, I will be rewarded, and I will think that this is a good thing. Take a look at all the existing species: they continue to defend their own interests and evolve with other creatures, but they don’t know that their self-interested behavior also promotes evolution.

The self-interest and social benefits are mutually symbiotic. Chasing your own interests will inspire people to accept challenges, gain benefits, and promote effective social development.

In turn, society will also give back to individuals who promote their effective development.

So the rough criterion for judging the effective contribution to society is how much money is earned, not how much you want to make money.

Look at what is driving people to make money, and you will find that this is positively related to their effective production value for society, with him.The degree of desire to make money has nothing to do. Many people who have won the pot have not made money as their primary goal.

They just work hard and produce what the society needs, and they gradually become rich. There are also many people who want to make a lot of money every day, but they never make money according to social needs.

Everything on the “second and third-level effects”

People who value the first-order effect of decision-making and ignore the second- and third-level effects are generally difficult to achieve.

Because the will of primary and secondary effects is often antagonistic, it is easy for people to make big mistakes when making decisions.

For example, the primary effect of fitness is to suffer and spend time, which is generally not what people crave. And its secondary effect, which is healthier and more attractive, is what people crave. Similarly, tasty food is generally not good for health, and vice versa.

For example, your goal is to be healthy, but if you don’t ignore the first-order effect between exercise and a delicious but unhealthy diet, and don’t make decisions based on the second and third effects, then you can’t achieve the goal. .

Most of the time, the first-level effect is the temptation to overcome our goals, and sometimes it is a hindrance to success.

This is like the process of natural selection in nature, giving us the option of having two outcomes, and those stupid fools who make choices based only on the first-order effect will be punished.

It’s important not to confuse “goal” and “desire”.

The goal is what you really want to achieve, and the desire is what you want but will hinder you from achieving your goals. As I explained before, desire is generally a first-order effect.

For example, suppose the goal is physical health, and desire is to eat delicious but unhealthy food. This is the first-order effect. This result is not conducive to your goal of achieving health.

So from the results alone, the goal is good, and the desire is not good.

You want to make a home in the house to watch TV and eat potato chips and do nothing, which is really no problem for me. But if this is not the life you want, it is best not to tear the potato chips out of the bag.

The mediocrity, thinking is the biggest bottleneck

Most of the qualities we have in our lives will help us and hurt us, depending on the purpose. The more extreme the degree, the greater the positive or negative impact of traits.

For example, people with strong creativity and clear goals, who are good at grasping the big picture, may suffer from the details of life. Those who focus on practical tasks, focus on specific tasks, and can handle the details perfectly may not be very creative.

Because of the nature of our thinking, it is difficult to take care of both.

The most important difference between a successful person and a mediocre family is learning ability and adaptability.

The Darwin autobiography once said: in the calendar of natureAmong the long rivers, the species that can survive are neither the strongest nor the ones with the highest intelligence, but those that are most adaptable to environmental changes.

Able to feel the changes in the environment and adapt is an ability, mainly insight and reasoning ability, which is more effective than the ability to learn and process quickly.

Face to your weaknesses

The biggest weakness of people is subjective behavior.

Women who are worried about whether they look decent or not are generally hiding their unclear places or shortcomings. Such people never learn how to deal with their ignorance and shortcomings, but let it become the roadblock of the future.

No one of the successful people I met was successful in making mistakes. They have the same shortcomings as everyone else, but they know how to deal with their shortcomings and will not hinder the realization of their dreams.

Besides, these successful people are knowledgeable and capable, which will help me find the best decision-making solution. This kind of resource has more advantages than any single successful person (no matter how successful he is). Much more.

This explains why “who are happy to make the best decisions” rarely express confidence in their own programs.

They therefore hope to learn more (by exploring other trustworthy people, especially the ideas of dissidents) and are eager to discover their own shortcomings and avoid these shortcomings preventing them from achieving their goals.

Find reasons from yourself

Some people, if the results are not ideal, blame others and not find reasons for themselves. This contradicts the facts and hinders progress.

If the results are not ideal, they will blame others, and they don’t think they have problems. They actually want to deceive themselves. This is ridiculous and will hinder progress. Because doing so is undoubtedly distracting, and originally it is possible to concentrate on improving individual abilities and achieving the best results.

Replacing others and implementing accountability is not the same thing. I will discuss it in the chapter on management principles.

Successful people understand that bad results will be affected by everyone, and everyone has a responsibility to cope with challenges so that they can realize their dreams.

Quality of life depends on the quality we choose

I mentioned that in the journey to achieve the goal, there will be a lot of choices, and every decision we make produces results. The quality of life depends on the quality of the choices we make.

In this life, we will probably make a million choices, and the final result will accumulate our lives. We are not born to make wise decisions, we only have this ability through learning.

We grew up with adults, especially parents, who guide our lives, but as we grow older, we have to make choices on our own.

Choose what kind of goals to pursue and influence the direction in which we grow.

Of course, people’s various innate abilities are indeed different, but judgment is basically based on learning.

I said that for most people, success is an efficient evolutionary process that understands oneself and the environment around you, makes changes, and improves.

I believe that personal evolution, that is, growth is the greatest achievement, and the most rewarding.

Similarly, for most people, happiness depends on the degree of association with their own expectations, not the absolute level of individual conditions.

For example, if a billionaire loses $200 million, he may be unhappy, but if another person with a price of $10,000 gets an unexpected $2,000, he will be happy.

This basic principle states that there are two paths to happiness: 1) high expectations and efforts to surpass; 2) lowering expectations, meeting or below their own objective conditions.

Everyone generally chooses the first road, which means that if you want to be happy, you have to grow.

wants to evolve, is going to break the limit and suffer pain

One of the fundamental laws of nature is that if you want to evolve, you must break through the limits, endure pain, gain growth, lift weights, and face difficult problems.

Born nature gives us pain. It actually makes us feel closer and closer to the goal, or has surpassed our limits in some way.

The law of evolution is that you must constantly innovate and progress. To judge whether a thing is good or not, you can’t use it in absolute terms, but you must look at what position it is in the current evolutionary pattern.

I have a habit. Whenever I see things that I don’t like in nature or in society, I always ask myself, is it that I am wrong? Perhaps at a higher level, this should happen.

Although many people think that pain is not good, I think that if you want to be strong, you need to suffer.

I don’t mean that the more pain the better, I think too much pain can cause damage to people. No pain is generally not conducive to growth, so we should suffer certain pains in line with achieving our goals.

Combating problems, mistakes, and weaknesses will make you stronger, and you will feel pain in the struggle, and it is so we will cherish the fruits of success.