Increasing the bandwidth of capabilities brought by the underlying capabilities is the basis for further enhancement of various capabilities.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Judges old driver” (ID: panguansays), the author judged the old driver.

Your expression and strength, which is more important?

About Windows 2000, the system has a performance setting, there are two options, one is best appearance, meaning the best appearance, all animations, shadows and other special effects, the system interface looks gorgeous and beautiful The disadvantage is that it consumes more hardware performance, and the speed of the computer configuration is not high.

The other option is best performance, which is the best performance. Close all system interface effects, the interface will be more traditional and ugly, but the advantage is that computer hardware resources (CPU, graphics card, memory) will give priority to application software running and system. effectiveness.

People are in the rivers and lakes, especially in the workplace, the external value is presented, and there are basically two kinds of evaluation indicators of performance and appearance. Probably means that the former reflects the ability to work and the latter reflects the ability to convey the ability to work. What should these two indicators look like?

Working ability is really important. However, the improvement of work ability is a gentle curve, and even long-term flattening or even falling due to the environment, colleagues, superiors, projects, technological development and self-qualification.

In other words, the improvement of work ability requires its own endowment, combined with external opportunities and environment. In many cases, external opportunities can be met, the environment is uncontrollable, and their endowments are affected by age, family, and physical state.

The value of work ability, there is still a problem, that is, what I have mentioned before, what is the company’s needs, is it the individual ability of the employee? I once wrote an article “Sorry, your business does not need you, which suggests that one company, even a government agency, enters a mature sign that is no longer dependent on The ability of an individual or some person, but by the advantages of institutions and models.

In other words, your position requires you more than your personal abilities. In fact, you can be qualified for this position with less than the job requirements, which means that the company is empowering you. To put it more bluntly, it is to leave the enterprise, with the low ability of most people, and even unable to earn income equivalent to corporate compensation.

Of course, the company itself is the product of the division of labor and cooperation in commercial society. The income of individual households is low and cannot be attributed simply to capacity problems. Income is not the focus of today’s discussion, so I won’t go into details.

So, since the improvement of personal work ability is so difficult, and the company does not really use the ability of the staff, then we can happily go to work to fish?

On the contrary, no company recognizes or recognizes that their requirements for most employees are not high. From top to bottom, enterprises hope that the talents within the company will be good, and colleagues and subordinates will be particularly capable. In this case, the importance of “the ability to convey the ability to work” is revealed.

It may be awkward to say this, I will change it. What is the effect of PPT, whether the chart is lively or not, whether the speech is attractive, and whether the report is timely… These are the ability to convey the ability to work. If you are particularly eye-catching in this regard, like the computer with the appearance of a full open, probably no one will suspect that you actually have lower computing performance.

And improving appearance is actually much less difficult than improving your ability to work. Because appearance is mostly of a skill nature, it is easy to obtain through learning and practice, and is highly versatile among different types of work. People who perform well in appearance are often considered to be strong in their ability to work, and to get more opportunities and rewards, which means more resources and opportunities, so that “it’s really what they are when they are installed.”

Of course, some people will say that the ability to communicate work is itself part of the ability to work. There is certainly nothing wrong with this understanding. I call it “ability” rather than “opportunistic” because it is also valuable and needs to be learned. However, it is much easier to improve the expressive ability than the many uncertainties in the improvement of work ability.

So, here, do you think that it is more important to improve your ability to express your ability than to improve your ability to work?

In fact, it is more important to upgrade your CPU, memory and graphics card. On this basis, upgrade your operating system.

The so-called CPU is naturally your brain, specifically logical thinking and speculative ability.

The so-called memory is the information and resources that you can call immediately. It also naturally includes your social resources and social influence.

And graphics cards are your expression tools, such as some design tools, data tools, your foreign language skills, and even your fonts and blackboards. (Before the Internet era, the advantage of writing a good word was very great. And now the whiteboard word is very important.

As for the operating system, it generally includes your three views, ways of thinking, work and life experience, adventurous spirit, and enterprising spirit.

So you will find that expression and strength are ultimately subject to your underlying capabilities. The increase in the bandwidth of capabilities brought about by the enhancement of the underlying capabilities is the basis for further enhancement of various capabilities.

In summary, from the ability to work (specific tasks), to the ability to express (various applications), to the operating system, graphics card, memory, CPU, the scope of application is more and more wide, so the marginal benefit after the upgrade is The more obvious it is, the more backward it is.

Judge: Prehistoric product manager, using the idea of ​​doing business as a product

WeChat public number: judge the old driver, is the book “Product Awakening”