This article is from WeChat public account:Shell (Public No.: Guokr42), author: Ent, editor: Lynn big hit, matrix star, head diagram from the visual China

In the past two weeks, there was a quantum speed reading class, and there was a quantum Yang Bao. I believe that every Internet waver has a strong immunity to the word “quantum”. But just today, Google published a paper in the 150th Anniversary Special Issue of Nature (Nature), a programmable quantum computer surpasses the most The fast classic supercomputer, the traditional algorithm runs on IBM’s top-level computer and it takes 10,000 years to calculate something. The quantum computer will get it in 200 seconds. This can be said to be a major milestone in quantum computing. It simply washed the quantum stigma and reinvigorated the quantum glory.

Nature Cover Story: Quantum Hegemony Based on Programmable Superconducting Processors |

So what is the quantum computer developed into? Can they do all the operations in parallel? Can they crack our passwords with superb computing power? Can they make bitcoin worthless from this? I believe that after reading this article, you will have a clear understanding of this research progress.

Extremely simplified interpretation of quantum computer principles

First of all, quantum computers are not simply faster, nor are all operations done in parallel at the same time. It is in principle different from traditional computers.

In general, the probability we say is this: 40% cloudy tomorrow, 30% rain, 30% cloudy. The probability of each event is between 0 and 1, all of which must be 1 (ie 100%).

The quantum event is very strange. If the weather turns into a quantum event, you will read the forecast that “the probability of rain tomorrow is -20%.”

In the Quantum World, you will read this strange weather forecast | Oriental ic

This is because the core mathematical tool used to describe the quantum state is called the probability amplitude, and squared it to get the probability. However, the square of the complex number can be negative, and the probability frame is a complex number.

Why? ? ?

This is the case. You now have two choices: 1 accept this setting; 2 learn more math and accept this setting. 2 is of course better, but for the time being you assume that you have chosen 1.

In short, the probability can be negative. Then something even stranger happened. When the conditions are right (this condition is very demanding), the negative probability can offset the positive probability, so that what can happen at first sight can’t actually happen.

If you can’t understand what this sentence is saying, see the previous paragraph.

But in the end, quantum computing takes advantage of this strange feature. If we want to solve a problem, then we carefully design and translate the problem into a set of quantum states. The possible answers to the questions are related to their events, so that all the wrong answers correspond.The events are positively and negatively offset, leaving only the correct answer, then finally look at the actual events, you know what the answer is.

This is a quantum computer.

Quantum Computer |

What is it that is not used now?

You must have discovered that the idea of ​​a quantum computer is very different from that of a traditional computer. Therefore, the algorithm it needs is also very different from the traditional computer and needs to be “designed”, which is difficult. Most of the problems in reality, we can’t think of how to translate it into a form that quantum computers can solve. Therefore, the current quantum computer can not bring any influence.

And, quantum computers are super hard to make, because quantum states are too delicate. Why is there no negative probability of real weather? Why are quantum products on the market scamming money? Because quantum state interference is difficult, the bigger the thing is, the harder it is. It is difficult for macroscopic objects to interfere.

For example, this product is obviously unreliable |

SoFor many years, not only most of the problems quantum computing can not be counted, even if it can be counted, there is no advantage compared with the classic computer.

Would you like it?

Therefore, some researchers have proposed “quantum (calculation) hegemony The concept of Quantum Supremacy), saying that the speed at which a quantum computer solves certain problems can leave all the algorithms of a classic computer far behind, and not because of chance, it really depends on the quantum, then it proves Quantum computing is really valuable.

Quantum hegemony means that quantum computers can solve problems that are difficult for classic computers to solve | Domain of Science

He said that the reason for choosing hegemony is to emphasize “far behind,” rather than just a slight advantage. But this is also easy to misunderstand. After all, everyday hegemony is covered by a wide range, and it seems a bit strange to obtain hegemony on only one issue.

Does quantum hegemony achieve…?

This definition of hegemony is now being met. A Google paper was accidentally leaked a month ago and is now officially published on Nature